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𝙿𝚘𝚗𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚢 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕 𝙲𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚜
    ♫ - "A teenager in love" by Dion and The Belmonts

   My foot hit the ground and sent dirt flying. I ran my hands over my face, dragging my nails into my skin, and let out a frustrated whimper. "Fuck." I cursed under my breath. I hardly ever swore like that.
   I had been sitting on my porch, the side that  faced the Mathew's house, and thinking about my mistakes. From across the street I watched as Georgia exited her house and left a full trash bag on the curb. She looked perfect. She looked perfectly gorgeous and perfectly fine. She looked like she had seen a ghost once she noticed me staring. I started walking across he grass and scared her away. All I wanted to do was hold her and hug her and tell her how sorry I was. I was so frustrated with myself.
   Sodapop told me what Georgia was like when he saw her. He told me that she didn't want to get out of bed. But just then I saw her looking perfectly fine and doing her chores. I mean, I didn't want her to be as upset as I was. I was happy that she was fine. I just wanted to believe that I wasn't overreacting. I was balling like a baby the night we fought and ever since then I had been moping around the house. Something deep inside me was aching and I couldn't stand it. My heart felt like it was empty or something.
   I didn't do anything wrong. I don't know why Georgias so mad, I lied to myself, all I did was tell her my opinion. But I was still lying and I knew it. I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me. Why'd I have to fall in love with her, I asked myself as I lied in bed that night. But I knew the answer already. It was close to impossible for me not to love Georgia.
   I remembered the day we first spoke—Georgia had walked inside with Sodapop and I couldn't focus on anything else but her. The first thing I noticed was her smile as she greeted the gang. It was like a warm breath of spring that gives you goosebumps and cools you off. I couldn't believe the way she talked and the way her voice sounded when she spoke to me. Her eyes were the prettiest shade of green I'd ever seen that danced when she laughed. Her hair was a pretty orange color with bangs that touched her eyelashes. I was scared of her because of how gorgeously she was. I was even more scared when I saw how much we had in common. I knew that I was gonna fall deep in love with her.
   My fondness of her only increased the more we got to know each other. I started noticing more of her details—like how she has one freckle on the tip of her nose that are bigger than the rest, and how she'll shake her head to get her bangs out of her face when she's talking, and how she could describe anything perfectly when I couldn't find the words. She understood me better than anyone, even Soda. The intimacy between Georgia and I was unlike any other. It was the intimacy of being understood. Georgia seemed to understand everything about everything.
   I thought about all of the things I loved about her while I lied in bed that night. It started hurting after a while. I could've listed more things if I didn't stop myself. I was missing her badly. The soreness in my heart pained me. I needed to get her back. I needed Georgia.

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   I was the first one up the next morning. It wasn't common for me to wake up early but couldn't sleep the night before. I had another one of those nightmares I used to get. My body was sweating heaps when I got up to take a shower. I was all shook up because I didn't remember what exactly happened in it. I hadn't had a nightmare since I met Georgia.
    After my shower, I put on some clean clothes and spent five minutes or so hunting for a hint of beard on my face. I was hoping that I would grow a beard overnight since I would be turning sixteen the next day. Johnny and I would be the same age then, and I was happy for that. Not for long, he would be turning seventeen eight months later. Maybe that was long, I didn't think it was. Eight months seemed to short of a time to not be the youngest. Georgia would be turning sixteen in only one month and then all of us would be the youngest.
    Was Georgia still apart of the gang? I thought about that for the rest of the day. Even when I was reading at my desk, I couldn't stop thinking about it. The gang seemed so much better with her in it. Georgia added something to us. I couldn't figure out what, but it was significant. I realized suddenly in the middle of a chapter that the fight between Georgia and I was bigger than just us. I remembered the way Two-Bit's face fell when Georgia ran out the house the day after we fought, and I saw the way Soda looked at me while I was moping in my bed. It wasn't just tearing Georgia and I apart, it was effecting the gang.
    I jumped from my seat at my desk and hurried out the door. The whole gang was sitting in the living room while Darry made dinner. I paid them no mind as I sped out the door. Adrenaline rushed through me as I ran across the street in just my socks. I hadn't the time to put on shoes, I had to talk to Georgia.
   I started picking up pebbled as soon as I stepped foot on the Mathew's lawn. I looked up at Georgia's window and saw her room lit up with light. I didn't see Georgia but I knew she was there. Stepping back a few steps, I aimed for the window. Once a pebble hit the glass I waited for a response. I figured she hadn't heard it and threw a second. The third pebble missed and as I was getting ready to throw the fourth one, Georgia appeared at the window.
   I froze. seen her made me loose my train of thought. I hadn't thought about what I was gonna say when she answered. I also hadn't thought about the fact it rained earlier that day how standing in wet grass with only socks on wasn't too great of an idea.
   Georgia slowly slid open her window. I squinted my eyes and awkwardly shuffled on my feet. "It's my birthday tomorrow." I yelled.
   "I know." Georgia yelled back. I forgot how good her memory was. The sky was beginning to darken and the light behind her made her glow like an angel. She was so gorgeous.
   I took a deep breath. "I want us to make up. I don't want to fight anymore." A weight inside my chest lifted as they words left my mouth. I was so relieved to admit it.
   Georgia tucked a strand of her fiery red hair behind her ear; It also appeared to be glowing from the light behind her. "Stay right there." Georgia called down to me. She closed the window and disappeared from view.
   I anxiously waited for her to come outside. I had no idea what was gonna happen, and I had no idea what I was supposed to say or do. I hadn't used my head. What else is knew?
   The back door creaked open and Georgia appeared in front of me. I took a long, hard look at her. She was wearing cuffed jean shorts and a striped button up blouse. Her hair fell in waves behind her her ears, and her bangs were neatly combed straight. Her beauty was immeasurable.
   We didn't say anything for what seemed like forever. She drew her lower lip between her teeth and started picking at the skin around her fingernails. I awkwardly stood in the grass with my mouth opened slightly.
   I couldn't take the silence any longer. I just couldn't stand to be far away from her anymore. I had missed Georgia so much that I couldn't help myself from rushing forward and wrapping my arms around her waist. Almost immediately I felt her arms come up and snake around my neck. Her touch warmed my whole body.
   Georgia let out a ragged breath. "I missed you so much, Ponyboy." I held her tighter after hearing how broken she sounded, if that was even possible. I was already squeezing her pretty hard. I was surprised that she hadn't told me to quit suffocating her. Georgia could be the sweetest person alive and then in a split second turn into a snapping turtle. I liked that; it put us (the gang) in line.
    "I missed you. I missed you so much, Georgia." I said. My voice was muffled by her hair, for my face was tucked into her neck and breathing deeply. The smell of her perfume was consuming and the sound of her voice was like an angel's song. I didn't ever want to let go of her again. How'd I ever survive without her touch?
   Georgia pulled away slightly and held my face in her small, soft hands. I drew a quivering breath. "Georgie, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of yelled at you, I know I messed up." Tears threatened to roll down my face. "Please forgive me. I can't stand being away from you any longer."
   Her thumbs stroked my cheekbones gingerly. "I forgive you Ponyboy. I shouldn't have gotten that mad. You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you how sorry I was." Georgia's hands snaked around my neck and she buried her face into my chest.
   My heart started beating faster and I kissed the top of her head. I wanted her lips. "Trust me, I know." I said, resting my chin on top of her head. I held her tight, though it wasn't enough. I needed her closer to me even if it wasn't possible.
   We stood in the wet grass, both of us in our socks, and embraced each other silently. It felt so nice to hold her in my arms. To have her in my grasp was all I had wished for the past few days. I had her in my arms and I didn't ever want to let her go again. Georgia was a medicine that my body needed to function. My body was so starved from being away from her. I was just about addicted to her than I was to cigarettes.
    I had noticed that my cigarettes had disappeared from my nightstand the night before. Darry must've snuck in at night and hid them; I had been smoking them like crazy after Georgia and I fought. What's funny was that I didn't even care all that much. I woke up and noticed they were missing and I didn't do anything. I was too drained to care. The way I thought about was that I was a flower fueled by water and there was an absence of it. Georgia wasn't there to make make me care about my cigarettes, or my body, or sunsets, or food, or anything really.
    I was running my fingers through Georgia hair. It was wavy and wild, and soft and smooth all at once. My favorite part about it was the color, especially in the sun. In normal lighting her hair was the same color of fresh rust or tangerines. In direct sunlight, Georgia hair would light up like fire. It was gorgeous. Each stand of hair was diffract from the rest, though. There was a gradual transition from ginger to rusty to auburn. I didn't know how to describe it. Her hair was one of her best features. Georgia's first best feature was her smile, then her lips, then her hair. That Georgia Mathews was a real looker. Everything was perfect about her.
    "I missed the feeling of that." Georgia sighed against my chest.
    I leaned back to look at her. "The feeling of what?" I asked.
    "Of you touching my hair." I got lost in her alluring juniper eyes that gazed up at me. "We used to have sleepovers and you would run your fingers through my hair while you were asleep."
    I felt my face redden. "Did I really?"
    "Mhm." Georgia giggled. "It was cute." I melted at her laugh just like I did the first time I heard it.
   "We can have a sleepover again tonight, only if you'd like."
    Georgia grinned lop-sidedly. "Can we have it at your house? I miss the gang."
   I shook my head, laughing, "Yeah, i'm sure they would all like that."
   Georgia stepped back and grabbed a hold of my hand. "C'mon, I don't wanna stand in the wet grass any longer." She giggled.
   The whole gang was sitting in the living room. Darry was fixing dinner in the kitchen. "Georgia!" Steve jumped up from his spot on the couch and quickly picked Georgia up and swung her around. "Boy, are we glad to see you."
   Georgia laughed. "I didn't know you missed me that much." She ruffled Soda's hair as Steve carried her to the couch. He placed her on next to Johnny who gave her a hug.
  "We missed ya, kid." Dally nudged Georgia's leg with his bulky riding boot. I was still getting used to the fact that Dally was able to care for people.
   "I missed you guys too." Georgia beamed a smile identical to the one Two-Bit was wearing. We were all glad that the gang was back.
  Darry appeared at the doorway of the kitchen. "Hi Superman!" Georgia joyfully laughed.
  He grinned one of his rare grins. "Welcome back, little red."
   Darry really liked Georgia so I knew he wouldn't have a problem if I asked her out. Soda wouldn't mind; he'd been urging me to ask her out since we met.
    The gang started talking while I grabbed new socks for Georgia and I. It was dark by now so I figured I would make my bed, too. Georgia would be sleeping over and even though she was used to my room being messy, I still tried to make it look presentable for her.
   I returned to the living room. The gang was cracking jokes like usual. "Here ya go." I handed Georgia a pair of socks and sat down beside her. She swapped out her wet socks for the new ones, that were so big they reached her knees. I guess I didn't think about the size difference between our feet.
   Our couch was the kind that you sunk into when you sat down. It was old and not very firm but we liked it that way. Georgia settled into the cushion and leaned into me.
   "Look at those two!" Sodapop remarked at as in a swooning voice. "Aren't they just two pees in a pod?"
   I grinned with pride—Having Georgia around me was a blessing. She made my life so much better. I wondered how I survived without her. From that moment on, we would never leave each others sides again.
    Steve laughed teasingly. "You shoulda ran with that Soc instead of sticking with that greaseball."
   "Greaseball? For the amount of time you spend looking in the mirror, I'm surprised you don't see how much gunk is in that mop of yours." Georgia quipped.
  "Yeah, well at least my hair ain't the color of a creamsicle." Steve said.
   "A creamsicle is a whole lot better than a greasy mop." Dally scoffed and took a sip of beer.
   I slung my arm around Georgia's shoulder. "I like your hair." I whispered.
   She looked at me and smiled. "I like your hair." Georgia ran her hand through my hair. "Even with the grease." She added.
    I laughed and ruffled her hair. Strands of ginger stuck up from the static. "Is that Albert Einstein?" I teased. Georgia tried hiding her smile.
   "Nah, she's not smart enough to be Einstein." Two-Bit chuckled lazily.
   "You're one to talk." Georgia scoffed at him. "Did you forget that you're still a junior at eighteen?"
   "Nup! I got a pretty good memory up here." Two-Bit knocked his fist against his skull.
   "Anyone in there?" Sodapop jokingly called.
    Two swung at him from the floor but missed. Sodapop childishly stuck out his tongue and in return got a kick in the shin from Two-But, who  had stood up to get him.
   "Lay off my brother!" I tugged on Two-Bits shirt and jumped on him, but he had me down in a second. I was kind of short on wind. I've got to cut out smoking or I won't make track next year.
   "Holler uncle."
"Nope," I said, struggling, but I didn't want to look weak in front of Georgia. I caught a glimpse of her smiling, or maybe laughing, and I smiled back at her.
  Darry was wiping his hands on a rag. "Keep the noise down, will ya'?" He paused, watching Two-Bit squash the heck out of me. "Two-Bit, lay off. Get in here and eat before the food gets cold."
   Two-Bit unlocked my head and dashed for the kitchen. "I gotta quit smoking." I said, getting to my feet.
    Soda patted me on the back and seated himself at the kitchen table. "We've been telling ya that for years."
   I sat down beside him. "Yeah well I've learned to block you out." I guessed Soda didn't hear me, being too destructed by the food, because he usually didn't take any time quipping back at me. Darry had made Soda's favorite dinner: baked chicken and potatoes and corn—two chickens because all of us eat like horses. Especially Darry.
   "How was everyone's day?" Johnny said.
   Darry shrugged. "Not too bad. Picked up an extra shift at work today, but at least i'm getting more dough."
  Georgia spoke up. "You gotta stop doing that."
  "Stop what, working?" Darry questioned.
   Georgias mouth was full of chicken. "Mhm." She mumbled in reply. Darry laughed quietly.
   Sodapop leaned close to me. "Did'ya tell Georgie how much you love her yet?" I shook my head and started in on my potatoes. I didn't have a clue to when I would tell Georgia.
   "What about you, Johnnycakes?" Georgia asked.
   Johnny shrugged. "The usual. My folks gave me hell today." Johnnys voice quickened, like he was rushing to get the words out. "You guys know the score."
   We silently nodded. We were used to Johnny's getting treated badly—His father was always beating him up, and his mother ignored him, except when she was hacked off at something, and then you could hear her yelling at him clear down at our house—and although it made us madder than heck, we couldn't do anything about it. He would have run away a million times if we hadn't been there. If it hadn't been for the gang, Johnny would never have known what love and affection was.
   Steve spoke up. "Soda and I met some girls at the DX today. They were talkin' to us all day long and gave us their numbers before our shift ended."
   "I didn't get much work done." Sodapop chucked and looked down at his plate.
   "Yeah, apparently Soda and his girl had met before."
   "Who's the lady and where'd you meet her?" Darry asked.
   Soda's face flushed. "Her name's Nancy and I met her at a school football game last year. Today was only the second time we've talked." Sodapop was always lucky with girls. He attracted girls like honey draws flies.
   "You guys going on a date?" Georgia questioned.
   "I don't know Georgie, I think they're past the dating stage from what I saw." Steve smirked.
   The back of Sodapop's hand collided with Steve head. Soda had angry hit Steve but a corner of his mouth was lifted. He was always happy-go-lucky and grinning no matter what.
   Darry started hollering about roughhousing in the kitchen and sent us back to the living room so he could clean up.
  "Hey Two, do ya think Georgia could stay the night tonight?" I asked.
   Two-Bit gave both me and Georgia a look. "I'm hoping this will be for y'all to make up and not make out."
   I wanted to crawl under the floor or something. All the body heat rushed to my face and my ears were burning up. Two-But sure did know how to embarrass a guy.
  "Two-Bit!" Georgia punched him in the shoulder, laughing, and said, "We used to have sleepovers all the time, it's no big deal."
   Two-Bit was laughing is sharp, loud laugh and slapping his knee. "Oh my lord Pony, you shoulda seen the color of your face. We should stick you outside and replace the old fire hydrant!" I would have laughed, but I my face hurt from how much it was burning. "I ain't ever seen anyone get so burnt up! Good thing I gotcha sunscreen for your big day tomorrow!"
   "Two.." Georgia groaned. Two-Bit took a moment to stop laughing. He laughed at his jokes more that any of us. I guess he was just that funny.
   "I'm only kidding Georgia-Bug, you can stay over." Georgia kissed Two-Bit on the cheek and   ran to the kitchen to help Darry.
   Sodapop and Steve began a game of poker. I wasn't very good at poker. Soda had tried to teach me once but I just didn't get it. There were too many terms and rules for me to remember.
   I decided on getting ready for bed early since I had nothing better to do. The water was ice cold when I splashed it on my face. It really woke me up, which isn't the best for when you're about to sleep. By the time I had started brushing my teeth, Georgia accompanied me in the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the bathtub and watched me scan my face for any signs of growing facial hair.
  "Soda," l called from the bathroom, "when did you start shaving?"
   "When I was fifteen," he yelled back.
  "When did Darry?"
  "When he was thirteen. Why? You figgerin' on growing a beard overnight?"
   "You're funny. We ought to send you in to the Reader's Digest. I hear they pay a lot for funny things."
   Soda laughed and went right on playing poker with Steve in the living room.
"You look good without facial hair Pony, don't go praying on it." Georgia assured me.
   I shrugged. "I just think that once I start getting a beard then I'll feel more like a man." I grabbed my toothbrush and pulled out the toothpaste.
   "Well you're not gonna grow a brad over night." Georgia said matter-of-factly.
    I gave a teasing smirk at Georgia. "If you can do it so can I."
   Georgia counterfeit look of offense and slapped me on the back. I laughed as I started brushing my teeth. I then remembered that I should've flossed beforehand, but decided not to. Nobody flossed anyway. I looked at Georgia through the mirror. I was so happy . Everything she did made me fall more and more in love with her.
   She was comforting her face and making funny expressions in the mirror. I couldn't help but laugh. Georgia didn't always do cute stuff like that, but it was just me in her in the bathroom.
   It was around midnight when all the guys went home. Darry was watching T.V on the couch and Sodapop was sleeping. Georgia and I sat across from each other on my bed, talking about everything.
    "What's the plan for your birthday tomorrow?" Georgia asked.
  "We're gonna go down to the lot and play a game of football. Darry said we could go to Dairy Queen after if I wanted." We were talking like nothing had happened between us. It felt nice knowing that nothing had changed.
   "What do you think you got for presents?" Georgia asked.
  "I told the gang I didn't want anything."
  "Do you?"
  "Yeah, I just don't want them spending money on me."
  Georgia shrugged and said, "Well, I got you a present."
   I frowned. "I said I don't want you spending money on me."
  Cocking an eyebrow, Georgia said,  "What makes you think I bought your gift?" Her and Two-But both had that fine habit or stealing, and it made it obvious that they were related.
   I pulled up the comforter and got into bed. "You're turning into Two-Bit, y'know."
   "What a nightmare!" Georgia laughed. I lifted up the comforter for her to get under. Georgia flopped down on her back "You're funny, Ponebone."
   "I must be turning into you, Georgie." I admired her, and how beautiful she was when she laughed. We were cracking jokes until we fell asleep, and she laughed and laughed and laughed. That was when I knew that I wanted to make her laugh for the rest of my life.

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