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𝙶𝚎𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚊 𝙳𝚊𝚠𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚠𝚜

♫ - "Hallelujah, I love Her So" by Ray Charles

   Darry pulled me aside as the gang was walking to the lot, ready to fight. "Remember Georgia, you need to stay up against the dense and away from the rumble. And you gotta carry a blade too."
"I know Darry, I know." I sighed. "I'll be fine I promise."
Darry pursed his lips. "Well, Alright. Go on now."
I skipped off to walk with Pony, exited for the rumble. I wasn't so excited the night before, though. I was actually really nervous. I confided in Two-Bit, hoping it would make me feel better.
   "It's my fault anyway." I said , referring to the rumble. "This rumble wouldn't be happening if I didn't make phillip mad."
  "Why and the hell would you say that?" Two said.
  For no reason I felt myself starting to cry and I couldn't stop. Through my tears I saw Two-Bit standing with a guilty look on his face. I wanted to get away, for I scared of what was going to happen, but I needed comfort. Two-Bit wrapped his arms around me comfortingly.  I laid my cheek against his chest and listened to the friction of his soft shirt.
   "Two-Bit, what if you guys don't win? What if you guys get hurt and it's all my fault?"
  I felt his hand on the back of my head. "Don't worry about that right now, Georgie." He said. "You don't have to worry about it. You didn't do anything to start is and you can't do anything to stop it."
  It was rare for Two-Bit to act this way, this fatherly and this caring. Two-Bit was unserious and goofy. It scared me even more when he got like this, it confirms that I had a right to worry.
   As guilty as I felt, I hadn't any other option but to grow thick skin and be there for the gang when they're fighting. I still thought that I played apart in the rumble starting, but I had to listen to Two-Bit.

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The shepard gang was already at the lot with some Brumly boys when we got there. It didn't take long for the Socs to arrive too. They seemed angry. Way angrier than the greasers. I guess it meant more to them.
Phillip lead the pack of Socs onto the grass. He spat on the ground as he met Ponyboy face to face. "You ready to get your ass kicked, bird dog?"
That's when the first punch was thrown, by Ponyboy. I was up against the fence watching as the gang took on the Socs. I was scared as hell and proud at the same time. Greasers were good fighters, and they showed it but winning and chasing those Socs out off the block.
We were all yelling and hollering with joy. Me and Pony shared a kiss, and the gang piled up on top of us in a group hug. Walking back home, Ponyboy held me back so we could walk together.
"Georgia," he started, "I'm gonna marry you someday." He said and I just about melted. The best part of that statement was that it was true. He did marry me. And he had two kids with me and he bought a house on the country with me that's only two towns away from the gang, so they could come over with their family's all the time. We got a dog, and I got a horse. I got everything I wanted all because of him. He was all I ever wanted. He's all I'll ever want.
I smiled. "I look forward to it."

ITS ABOUT TIME ➤ Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now