Chapter 1-Y/n's Mission

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For the joy, the optimism and the happiness

But also for the danger, the betrayal and the illness

Your p.o.v

I was sitting on a chair, watching the sunset while my mother was working on something with her magic. I looked at the sky as it slowly turned a deep blue, then completely black. I notice something shining appearing and passing through the sky as fast as a shooting star. Thinking nothing of it, I get up and take one last breath of cool air before walking back inside.

- Y/n! Wait! a familiar, masculine voice screams from behind me as I hear horses and something made out of wood touch the ground.

I turn around to be met by my best-friend. He was on his white and golden char with two majestic white pegasus to make him fly

- Hey, Apollo! What are you doing here? I ask him, smiling softly.

- Hey, Apollo! What are you doing here? I ask him, smiling softly

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He gives me a small, nervous smile before looking away. The smile on my face drops and I look at him, worried.

- What is it? Did something happen at Olympus?! Did Zeus change you back into a mortal again?! I took him by his shoulder and started shaking him.

His slightly long, blonde hair started to move as I shook him harder, waiting for an answer.

- Zeus sent me to ask you for a favor. A really big, important one.

I look at him, half curious, half worried. When the Gods asked for my help, that means something bad, really dramatically bad is coming our way.

- Let's get inside, then you'll tell me everything.

He nods as I take his hand in mine and fastly make my way to the living room of my small house. We sat down and he looked at me, this time, it was full of worry.

- Camp Half-Blood is ... he started saying slowly.

At the mention of the camp, I thought back to my time there, with Chiron. The warm memories almost made me smile if it wasn't for the worried blonde man in front of me.

- Camp Half-Blood is what?! I shot up, my eyes widening.

- Hades lost control of the Tartarus for about a day, many, I mean a gigantic army of monsters escaped. We learned that they want to attack the Camp Half-Blood in about six weeks. Because they want to take their revenge on the demigods that killed them.

I feel my legs shaking. I sit back down on the light grey couch, my hands lightly gripping the handles of it. My posture appears calm.

- What do you need me to do?

My voice is calm, I make sure no emotion is appearing on my face.

- You are going there as a trainer. Every demigod, even Aphrodite's children, need to be able to fight. You will also be planning our fighting plan with the help of Athena. If you accept, you will have to leave tomorrow and get there during the day.

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