Chapter 6-Feelings

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For magic, luxury and attraction

But also for illusion, detachment and deception

Nico's p.o.v

When came near me and stared into my eyes, I felt a fire burning in my stomach. And when she gave me that look, kissed up from my neck to my ear where she whispered a sentence that would forever be carved into my memory, I felt nearly on the verge of passing out. My head felt light, her touch made sparks run up my body, straight to the part of me that was already hard as soon as she started stripping in front of me while holding eye contact.

I've never felt so alive before.

Y/n L/n has the power to destroy me, to crush me into pieces. I would just sit there and take everything she says to me. I would follow every command. I would let her guide me to Tartarus even if it was to throw me to my miserable death.

Now that thought is officially scary.

Has she used some kind of spell on me? I suppose a daughter of Hecate would be able to do such a thing, right? I think back to the look she gave me, the words she murmured with her sweet voice. My boxers were getting tighter by the second. Still in the pond, where the slightly cold water cooled my body from overheating, I pulled my underwear down and grabbed my cock.

Then, closing my eyes, I started imagining her. Naked in my bed, looking at me with her eyes that hides all the wonders of the world. Her kissable lips wrapped around me, she gags and tears appear in the corner of her eyes. I trust in my hand, wishing I could feel her sweet pussy wrapping around my dick. I wish I could hear her moan my name as I trust into her with all my energy.

After a few seconds, I cum into my hand, the sticky white liquid washing away in the water of the pond.

If only I could just for once, kiss her soft mouth, feel her body pressed against mine. Doing it only once and not be able to get another taste of her would definitely drive me insane, but I would live happily for the rest of my life. Since I would have gotten the chance to be touched by a Goddess.

Your p.o.v

I walked to our cabin and closed the door quickly, stripping down until I was actually naked. I sit down on the bed opposite Nico's and open my legs wide. As suspected, I am dripping wet. I could feel it when I walked back to the cabin. The way the inside of my thighs and everything above was slick. I was turned on by what I had said, by the idea of him on top of me.

I wonder what would have happened if I had stayed. Would he have fucked me just like I told him I wanted? He fucked like a god, I was sure of it.

I slip one of my hands down, massaging my clit in a circle motion, imagining it was Nico's fingers touching me. The way I would lean to his touch. I used my other hand and slipped a finger in, slowly thrusting into me. I moaned his name, throwing my head back as I added another finger inside me, making scissor motions and touching my g-spot.

I imagine myself riding on his hand. And when I would finally cum all over his fingers, he would pull them out, lick them before smirking at me and licking, biting and sucking my core until I would come in his mouth.

When he would have finished licking me clean, he would look at me, my cum dripping down his mouth, cheeks flushed and lust in his semi-closed eyes.

With that image in mind, I finally pushed myself to my orgasm, Nico's name leaving my lips in a soft moan.

Timeskip, still in your p.o.v

I had joined the rest of demi-gods at the dining pavilion. Nico was nowhere in sight but supposedly, he doesn't show up normally at those types of gatherings. I suppose it's because of the demi-gods hating and scared of him.

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