Chapter 3-Hecate's offsprings

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For the friendliness, the energy and the emotion

But also for the ruin, the arrogance and the desolation

Your p.o.v

I look at Nico, unsure of what I just blurted out. Nico seems rather confused at first, then shocked and then uncomfortable.

- I'm sorry but I don't think I can accept that. I don't even know your name.

I blush slightly, only now realizing that I know who he is but he doesn't know me.

- I'm so sorry. I am not really good at making new friends. I am Y/n.

The corner of his mouth tugged up slightly before he chuckled.

- With your posture and the way you look, one would say you are someone really popular and overconfident. Why do you seem so flustered now? He asks, smiling at me.

I smile back at him, unable to believe that I got Hades' son, the one that is supposedly always down, to smile. However my answer makes us both forget about the nice feeling settling down in our chests.

- This is only a facade I use. It's easier to have everyone's attention and respect if you appear nice and kind. I hate any social contact. The shadows are way better friends than anyone else. At least they don't leave you for someone else.

Nico's eyes darken, his smile wavered for a few seconds before he fixed his expression and smiled at me.

- I can totally feel you.

I sigh before getting up and handing Nico his cup.

- I know, I can see, by the look in your eyes that getting your trust will be harder than anyone may think.

He doesn't look at me.

- But since I will be staying in this cabin for the next six weeks, we might as well start learning about each other don't you think?

Nico's head shot up as soon as he heard about me staying in the cabin.

- What do you mean you're staying here for the next six weeks?

I give him a slight smile.

- I'm on a mission. I need to protect the Camp from a future attack from monsters who escaped Tartarus. Zeus sent me to train every demigod present here. I announced everything at breakfast, you were probably still sleeping here during that time.

Nico nods his head in understanding.

- Does that mean I have to train with you too?

I smile lightly.

- You and four other kids will have special training. You and Percy are already able to control magic. Three other kids have the potential. I only have to guide them through it. We are supposed to meet in the green field between all the Cabins right after lunch.

Nico looks at me as yellow, red and gray lights flashes through my e/c eyes.

- You're no daughter of Hades. Who's your godly parent?

I smile at him.

- I'm Y/n L/n, daughter of Hecate, goddess of Magic and Spells. I have control over colors and elements. I control darkness, light, fire, water, earth, wind, anything you can think of that's part of nature. I was raised in the underworld by Hades and Persephone.

Nico's mouth hangs open for a few seconds before he closes it and gives me his hand. I grab it and shake while he says, in the most serious voice he can muster.

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