Chapter 10-The War & Future

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For elegance, power and darkness

But also for hopelessness, fear and loneliness.

Your p.o.v

I stood there, watching as the blue sky got covered in dark clouds. The monsters brought with them cold weather. They made all of us feel dread, everyone was afraid but no one let it show. The Gods were with us this time at least, so we were sure that a couple of us would survive, I just hoped that Hades would protect his son.

I heard when the first battle broke. A scream pierces through the silent sky, a monster's war scream. After it, the entire camp was filled with sounds of metal clashing, of pain-filled loud screams. People were fighting, I could feel the shadows moving on command to Hades and Nico which reassured me.

After a couple of minutes, the Apollo kids received their first patient. An Ares child who lost her arm and a hell lot of blood, she was going in and out of consciousness when her sister brought her to the made up hospital. I saw Will use his magic to heal her arm and chuckled lightly as I saw the expression of both his father and his half-siblings.

Apollo came rushing to me, a proud smile on his face.

- I never thought someone would be able to do that with my powers! Thank you!

I searched for my half-siblings, Lou Ellen and Alabaster. Once I found them, seated beside some other Apollo kids, I smiled and waved them over. They immediately moved closer to me.

- Hi! Lou Ellen smiled at me.

I could feel the anxiousness in her tone and could see it in the way she was standing, she was moving constantly from side to side and her hands, hidden behind her back, were slightly shaking. Alabaster was slightly better to hide it, but it was still showing enough for me to see. His shoulders were tense, his eyes were looking everywhere, as if he was scared something would jump out of the air and kill him. His expression was blank, he had a spark of emotion in his eyes but he made sure to hide it as well as he could.

I looked at the both of them, feeling sad for the way they must be feeling. I regretted not having proposed to destroy those monsters by myself without involving those innocent children. As my eyes looked at them, I remembered something I had buried deep inside me. An image, old and insignificant, made its way onto my mind. While it didn't mean anything to me now, the content of the image still made my stomach clench uncomfortably, made bile rise in the back of my throat.

I quickly chased the thought of me that fateful day and turned back to my two half-siblings.

- Hello to you both, I will be needing your help with something important.

They both look at me, literally bouncing on their feet in anticipation.

- What can we do to help, dear sis? Lou Ellen asked, flashing me a teasing grin.

I shook my head at her although smiling at the nickname.

- You remember our lessons? I ask them both, smiling and looking into both of their eyes.

- Of course, Alabaster nodded his head at me, a serious look present on his face.

I spent a couple of minutes explaining to them how to hold onto the child they learned to create. I made sure they would be able to keep protecting the Apollo kids in case the Gods and I have to leave for an emergency. I was finishing my last sentence when I suddenly felt something weird in the shadows. Something pulled at me, at my heart and I was suddenly filled with a feeling of agony.

- I have to go! I screamed to Apollo who shot me a knowing look.

Something clearly was wrong. The air, the light, the shadows. Everything was behaving out of place. I ran to the forest, saw that Artemis, Persephone and Demeter had everything under control. Then, I urged the shadows to teleport me to Nico and Hades. I arrived right on time. As a monster was going to swing his axe down on Clarisse, I came in between the both of them, using the power of the wind to stop the attack, my eyes turning gray.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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