Chapter 8-Prepare Yourselves

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For strength, authority and wisdom

But also for uncertainty, indifference and boredom

Your p.o.v

It's been two weeks since Nico and I finally kissed. He had to leave the next day because Hades supposedly needed some help with some things in the Underworld and I couldn't leave Camp because of my mission.

During this time, I have spent every minute of my days training. Everyone was getting better and better at fighting with and without weapons and I wasn't doubting we would be able to win against the monsters coming soon.

The Gods visited me twice more, to make sure everything was ready and in place and I was supposed to announce the truth to the demigods tomorrow, getting the night to catch up with Nico who was supposed to come back from the Underworld very soon.

During those fourteen days, that seemed like an eternity for me since Nico was away and I had no one I was really comfortable with, the rumors about the both of us only continued growing, almost getting out of hand sometimes.

I had drowned myself in work, wishing to forget about the dark haired boy that spent all his time stuck in my head and thoughts. The fact that his shadows weren't near me most of the time had made me feel weak. I have never thought I would, one day think that fourteen days were long.

Fourteen days;

Three hundred, thirty-six hours;

Twenty thousand, one hundred sixty minutes;

One million, two hundred nine thousand and six hundred seconds;

That was an eternity!

I missed my Shadow Prince, my Darkness dearly, abnormally.

I had a couple of nightmares too, relating my past and some parts of my future, although I couldn't really put a name on what I saw in those kinds of visions.

The views I had were dark and shadowy and I couldn't understand what the shadows in my dreams were saying to each other. I suppose the voice in my head is planning something for real now, probably her future escape, not that I would let her do anything.

I was currently training the children of Hephaestus, they were my last group of the morning, leaving me the four special and my real half-siblings to train with after lunch. My Darkness was supposed to arrive while we were eating. Hades had told me, with a knowing smirk, that he wouldn't steal him for longer than fourteen days. Since he first left during lunch time, two weeks prior, he would come back at the same time.

On another note, Chiron and I, or more precisely I, decided to announce the truth about my presence and my identity to the demigods tomorrow, as the battle is only three days away and I want everyone to prepare for it mentally.

- Congratulations everyone! Today was your best training since we started together! You may go shower and prepare yourselves for lunch! I said to the children of Hephaestus who were all sweaty and breathing heavily.

I watch as all the demigods walked past me towards their Cabin. I felt a shadow creeping up behind me and suddenly, two hands blocked my view. Just as I was about to fight my way out of the mysterious person's embrace, a familiar, masculine voice asked.

- Guess who?

Unable to believe he would be standing there in front of me, I turned around to be met with the thief of my heart.

- Nico! I jumped into his open arms, hugging him tightly.

Burying my face in his strong chest, I took in his scent. He still smelled like the Underworld, like Hades and like Persephone, but there was still the beautiful and addictive scents of coffee, leather and mint.

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