The closet

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*Modern AU*
PonyBoy- 13
PonyBoy's POV:
I have a secret that I'm tired of hiding. I'm bisexual, and I love Johnny Cade. I curled in a ball on my side when Soda came in. Great, I thought.

"Who is it?" I ask even though it could only be one person or the other.

"Soda... What's wrong?" He sits on the edge of the bed, rubbing up my arm.

"Nothing." My tears came down faster, as I sat up.

"Liar." He looked hurt. "How come you don't tell me stuff anymore? You used to tell me everything but now I feel like I know nothing, so can you please just tell me." He pleaded.

"What. Would you do... if." I spoke slow and unsure. "I told you something important." I whimpered in fear. I didn't want to tell him but someone had to know eventually.

"I don't care I just want to know, I promise I won't be mad."

I decide to spill, what's the worst that could happen it's Soda.

"I-I'm bisexual, b-but I really like guys a lot. And I really love Johnny, and I don't know I just keeping want to do gay shit and I'm really disgusted with myself and I don't know how to s-" Soda engulfed me in a hug, to stop my sobby words.

"It's ok Pone. I don't care that you like boys." He kissed the top of my head. I'm so happy I have a brother like Soda.

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