Keep Reading (smut)

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Pony- 20
Johnny- 21
Johnny's POV:
PonyBoy thought it was a good idea to buy a sex toy that vibrates, goes around your dick, and is in your partners control. I told him to give it go, I don't feel like cumming all on myself tonight.

He already had it on, and I already have the remote for it. I handed him the book he had been reading for a few nights, now. (I don't read books so I'm just gonna say something random ;)

"Read like nothing is happening." I smirked.

He flicked me off with the same smirk that I had on.

He began to read. "Chapter 5, I just moved here and two people have been murdered in the last week. What the-" I turned it on, cranked to one there were ten settings. His voice cracked and his face turnt red. "Hell? This city is crazy. Everyone seems so nice, yet a different person is killed every week." I turnt it off. He let out a breath of relief, continuing to read. I wanted to go high, just to see how he would do. I would have to wait for the right moment.

"To make matters even worse, all of my family is back in Jersey. So I'm a loner, in a suspicious t-"
number six, cut him off with a gasp, and then a loud moan, his lower half squirmed, he whimpered.

"Go away and keep reading Pone." I ran my hand down the left side of his chest, knowing his nipples were weak.

"Town~" he moaned the word. He gulped. "My only friend is Stacy, one of my co-workers..." his voice was shaky, and he was panting continuing to squirm. I stopped it. "Chapter 7, today it was Tanner who died. He was also one of my-" I turnt it to three, he whimpered, biting his lip but continued to read.

"Co-workers, now I was getting worried because he was actually someone I talked to. Another worrying fact is that every person that dies, looks completely untouch-" ten, I was gonna make him beg.

He slammed his right hand on the bed gripping the sheets as he squirmed, and moaned loudly over and over again. He panted harshly.

"Johnny~ uhn~ mmhhmm~ Johnny please~ uuhhnnn~" he was now laying down, trying not to cum himself. I brought it back down to 3. He let out a loud whimper in disappointment.

"Read baby." I kissed on his neck. Laying the rest of my body, beside him sort of. My right arm was around his waist, and I lied on my side. His breathing was still hitched and every so often he moaned. His nails dug into my arm slightly.

"I sure hope that- mhmm~ I'm not someone's next uhn~ victim. Maybe if I'm nice ahh~ enough to everyone I can be sure that uhn~ they won't kill me." I cranked it back up to ten.

He giggled, panting with pleasure. His lower half twitched, as his loud moans filled the room.

"Read Pone, your gonna read till you cum." I demand.

"Or may uuuhhhnnn~ be if I'm" he pants "too nice" whimper "they'll think ahhh~ I'm annoying"

"How has aaauhhhhhhh~ the p- uhhhhhhhnnnn~" his eyes cross as he tries to keep reading.

"You can release as soon as your ready baby." I whisper into his neck again kissing it some more.

"Police not c-aaaauuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh~" He grips my arm, screaming with his back arched like a fool, as he cums in his pants.

I turn it off, him panting.

"That was... so... good." He yawns and I can tell he's tired.

That was fun.

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