i could kill for a change

409 5 1

Johnny- 19
Pony- 18
Johnny's POV:
We're in bed, cuddled close. The two of us.

Boys aren't supposed to be in bed together, boys aren't supposed hold-hands or kiss either, but we do anyway. Boys aren't supposed to love each other, but we exist.

I feel his wet lips on my forehead, "Johnnycakes one day when we're older, we're gonna get outta here. Or we're gonna make something change."

"Like what?" Crazy kid.

"Us, society, acceptance, love."

"Ponyboy I don't think society with ever accept us."

"One day they will." He promised. One day.

I feel warmth on my eyes as they closed and when they opened he was there he was really there.

"Hey, you okay?" He soothed.

"Yeah, I was thinking about us. When we were... yeah." I trail off.

"Don't worry about them." He looks down at the people that are crying. Pretending they actually miss us. They hate gays.

I feel tears drop down my face, "Pony, I wish we could've stayed."

"You could've stayed. I'm the one with no choice. You could've found someone else." He shrugs.

"No I can't. And you know that. I love you, just you. I don't wanna find anybody."

He puts his hands on my face, "look." A sigh, "we can't go back, Johnnycakes. Let's just enjoy while we're still here alone. You never know what could happen to someone else."

I nod, and bring our lips together.
Together. We're gonna be doing that for a while now.

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