Chapter two

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Even though it took you almost all day to respond to Taylor's text you said yes, you could meet with her. You both were free on Saturday so you asked her to come over. If you were going to see her again after all these years you wanted it to at least be in the safetines of your own home, which to be honest wasn't really bringing you much comfort since Kayla moved out. You prepared some coffee, tea, bought cookies and muffins. To say you were nervous would be an understatement, you were terrified so much that your legs were shaking, you couldn't breathe properly thanks to your asthma acting up and you could hear your heart blasting through your ears. You wanted everything to be perfect. Emila would be home until later in the evening so you had the place to yourself.

Everything was set just in time when your doorbell rings. Nervously and with sweaty palms you walked towards the door, turned the handle, slowly opened the door looking down. Once the door was fully opened you looked up and there she was. Taylor. She looked the same as you remembered but also like a completely different person. Her hair was still the same blonde but she had the tips painted blue, her face looked more mature, her style looked more like herself, she looked more confident, her piercing blue eyes however were still the same as you remembered. She looked absolutely gorgeous standing there in a baby blue dress.

"Hi y/n" she said smiling.

"Hi Taylor, come in." you say moving out of the door so she can come into the apartment.

You could feel a bit of awkwardness in the air but you guessed that given the circumstance it was normal. Taylor walked in and you finally noticed she was carrying a bag of your favorite bakery here in New York. You walked into the kitchen and offered her some tea and cookies which she gladly took. She gave you the bag which had your favorite NY doughnuts on it.

"Thank you." you say taking the bag and placing it on the kitchen table just where you were sitting, she was sitting in front of you.

"Are you moving?" she asked, looking around at all of Kayla's boxes while sipping her tea.

"Mmm no," you answered awkwardly. "My girlfriend and I broke up recently and she is moving out so those are her things."

"Oh god y/n I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to intrude." she says panic taking over her.

"No no, Taylor, don't worry it's alright." you say trying to put her a bit at ease. "How have you been?" you ask her, trying to change the subject.

"Well honestly, I've been better." she says letting out a small chuckle and you immediately know she is talking about her stolen albums. You knew how much Taylor loved those albums, how much she cherished them. At the end of the day she wrote absolutely every single song on them so you couldn't even begin to imagine how she is feeling right now.

"I'm sorry about your albums. What Scooter did really is messed up Taylor." you say honestly, you had wanted to say something to her about this situation but hadn't found the right words or time to do it.

"Thanks y/n. I guess we aren't doing particularly great this month." she says, biting a cookie.

"Yeah, I guess not." you say letting out a small laugh.

"Do you know what you are doing with your albums? To get them back I mean." you ask her puring yourself some coffee.

"Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about." she says putting the cookie down. You listen to her carefully and extremely confused. "I'm rerecording all of my old music from Taylor Swift to Reputation. In doing so I want to give the fans some songs that didn't make it into the album the first time you know? Songs I love but didn't make the cut."

"I think that's a great idea but I don't understand what that has to do with me." you say confused.

"Well I wrote some songs about you. Songs you have never heard and I want your approval to release them." she says and you have to admit to be completely speechless.

"Songs about me?" is all you managed to say.

"Yeah well the songs I wrote were mostly for 1989, two for Red and another for Reputation. Y/n you know how much I loved you and how much I cherished our relationship, the only way for me to get over you was to write my feelings, which turned into songs." she finishes saying and you still can't find the words to answer her.

She grabs her bag and shuffles through it until she takes out a USB and hands it to you. "Here are the songs." No rush just listen to them and if you don't want them out there I completely respect it and no one would hear them."

You take the USB and look at Taylor's bright blue eyes. "Yes, ummm I'll listen to them and let you know as soon as possible." you still not really knowing what to say. Here she is, your ex telling you she has written you songs you had no idea they existed until now. It's a lot to take in.

"There's one more thing." she says. "I'm doing an interview with Oprah, to talk about my life and stuff and I think I'm ready to come out. I want to tell the world who I really am and I want them to know that you were the first girlfriend I had."

You are completely astonished, Taylor wants to come out, she wants to tell the world that the two of you dated. She wants them to know what really happened in 2013, that you two were so much more than friends. The whole world was about to find out how much you two loved each other some years ago.

"Umm yeah of course. It's fine by me Taylor." you say looking at her, all of a sudden she looked nervous.

"Really? I won't do it if you don't want me to." she says.

"No Tay, it's okay you should do it, whatever makes you happy." you say smiling at her.

"Great," she says, taking some paper out of her bag and handing it to you.

"It's what they are gonna ask me in the interview, well at least the questions that are about you, or us." she says. "I know you will also need to talk to this about your team so I'll have Tree talk to your publicist." she says sweetly.

"Yeah it's alright I'll let Miranda know beforehand. Um Thanks Taylor, for letting me know." you say, giving her a small smile.

You keep talking for a little while making small talk before she gets up to leave. You give each other a small, awkward hug goodbye before opening the front door for her, she walks out and just before she starts walking towards the elevator you stop her.

"Hey Taylor?" you say making her turn to look at you one last time. "Are any of those songs break up songs? It's okay if they are, I just want to know." you finish leaning your head on the door frame.

"No, I couldn't write any break up songs." she says looking at you the same way she used to look at you all those years ago. "Not about you, not about us and not about the way you made me feel." with that she kept walking down the hall until the elevator doors closed behind her.

You walked back to the kitchen with the USB sittin there on the table. Looking at it seemed really intimidating. Those songs were written by Taylot herself, about her feelings for you. Songs Taylor wrote in different stages of her life, when different things were happening to her and she still managed to write down words for you. Not really being ready to listen to those songs yet, you cleaned the entirety of your kitchen, scrubbed down to the last corner.

When you were done and your thoughts were a little bit more in order you decided to sit down and listen to the songs. You grabbed your laptop from your bedroom and took it over to your kitchen table, connected the USB and press play to the first song.

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