Chapter nine

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You haven't seen Taylor for the past couple of days nor talk to her which was a little bit weird since you did text each other everyday. You used those hours to get some work done, you had a few meetings with your team to figure out what to do with your career during this time. They sent you some scripts you are yet to read, they told you the movie you were supposed to start filming in May was pushed till November and they'll keep giving you details as the producers figured things out and finally about how you should do a interview on a talk show so your fans can see you are doing alright and give them a little joy to which you agree.

You are packing up your clothes because you're gonna go spend the weekend with Ryan and Sadie at their Malibu house. They invited you along with Kevin and Nathan. You immediately said yes because you really need a little getaway and to spend some time with your friends. You'll leave tomorrow morning and come back on Monday so that means you'll go another four days without seeing Taylor which will almost be a week without her. You already miss her and wish you could hang out but after what happened you were scared things would be awkward between you two and you weren't ready to face the consequences of that night.

You packed your bags on Thursday night and went to sleep absolutely certain you had overpacked but not really caring. You were so excited to see your friends again after so long, you couldn't wait to just be with them and drink, talk, laugh, gossip, you didn't really care what happened as long as you were all together. You would certainly miss Emilia and Amelia but they were stuck in London quarantining there but you were sure you'll call them at some point during the weekend.

On Friday morning you woke up ready to leave, you made yourself some coffee and an omelet for breakfast. Kevin was supposed to pick you up at around 10:00 am so you could all drive to Malibu together. You desperately wanted to see Taylor before you left, you wanted to hear her voice and stare at those pretty ocean eyes. You walked around your house trying to find a perfect excuse to go over to her house while you waited for Kevin to arrive. You finally got the perfect excuse and left your house towards and walked over to Taylor's.

You knocked on the door a few times and could hear footsteps getting closer and closer a few seconds after you knocked. Taylor opened the door and she looked really cute wearing a silk blouse and shorts which you only assume are her pajamas since it's still early.

"Hi Tay." you say once she realizes it's you the one at the door.

"Oh hi y/n, is everything okay?" she asks, just watching her stand there in her cute pajamas made your anxiety leave your body and you felt some type of peace you hadn't felt since that night at the beach.

"Yeah I just need a favor." you start explaining, "I'm gonna go to Malibu for the weekend and won't be back till Monday so I was wondering if you could go on Sunday to my house and water my plants?" you ask, trying to hide your smile. Your plants could live without being watered until Monday but this was the only excuse you could think of to see her.

"Yeah of course I'll go over on Sunday." she says, smiling at you.

"Thanks, here are the keys and you can go at any hour throughout the day." you say giving her the keys to your house which she gladly takes.

"Okay yeah don't worry I'll water them. At what time will you get back here on monday?" she asks, taking the keys.

"Ummm I don't know, Kevin is driving me home but I guess around noon." you say shrugging your shoulders.

"Okay have fun then." she says happily.

"Thank Taylor I'll see you around." you say and get out of her porch but Taylor's voice stops you and you turn around to see her.

"hey y/n! I'll miss you." she says and you both break into really big smiles.

"I'll miss you too." you say and walk away only to see Kavin's car park in front of your house. Great, he must have seen something and now he is going to create a whole narrative about why you were at your ex- girlfriend's house and tease you about it all weekend.

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