Chapter thirteen

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"What?" you said again too shocked to say anything else.

"I love you y/n I don't think I ever really stopped loving you and ever since we talked in New York I can't stop thinking about you, about us and about what we lost. We had something so beautiful and honest back then and we could still have it, I mean we have grown up, we've gained experience, we know so much more now than we did back then and y/n I think we could do this again if we tried. I mean our families know now there's literally nothing holding us back. We even live next to each other and I really really really want to be with you y/n you are the love of my life and now that you are here againI don't want to let you go ever again." she said and you couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. "So I'm asking you y/n to give me another chance, a chance to love you."

You shut her up by connecting your lips to hers in a very passionate kiss. The moment your lips connected you felt the exact same way as you did all those years ago, you felt your heart explode and your stomach drop in the best way possible. Kissing her felt like home. It was just as when you kissed her 8 years ago only better, your lips moved against hers like they've known them your whole life and you felt 100% happy to be able to kiss her again.

You pull away slowly and refuse to open your eyes, afraid that if you opened them you would wake up in your bed realizing this is all a dream. After a few seconds you finally gather the courage to open them and see Taylors bright blue eyes staring back at you. "I love you too, I never stopped." you say smiling and pulling her into another loving kiss.

A few hours later you are cuddled up on the couch, neither of you saying anything just enjoying each other's company. Taylor is hugging you tightly and you are resting comfortably on her shoulder as she plays with the tips of your hair. You have been like this for hours just cuddling, not really saying anything just being in the moment together. You feel happy and at ease in between her arms and this is a feeling you never ever want to lose again.

"Hey babe," you said, calling Taylor the same way you did so many years ago. "What are you gonna do now? Write another album?" you ask, teasing her and she lets out a small laugh.

"No," she said softly, "I'm gonna start re-recording my old albums." she said and you sat up again to look at her.

"Really?" you ask, smiling excitedly at her and she just nods with a big smile on her face. "Which one are you gonna do first?"

"Fearless." she says.

"Yesss I love that album, are you gonna get the original collaborators?" you ask eagerly, wanting to know all of the details.

"yeah I'll try." she says smiling.

"Well whatever you say I support you and I'm happy you are doing this." you say giving her a quick peck on the lips.

That day you watched t.v. in each other's arms the whole day, you ordered some chinese food and stayed talking till late hours of the night. You woke up the next day on your living room couch with Taylor on the other side, you must have fallen asleep at some point. You watch Taylor sleep peacefully on your couch wrapped in a gray blanket, she looked happy and gorgeous, the way her face looked relaxed and at ease. You were so so happy right now but being the overthinker you are you started to think of ways to make this last, how to make this work this time.

You knew that Taylor would want to keep the relationship as private as possible, she would want to hide it from the media and you understood completely giving all she's been through. However, you wanted to take her to awards shows, you want to be able to share those experiences with her, you want her to meet your family and friends, you want to be able to go on vacations together to eat out without caring if the paparazzi took photos of you two you, just wanted to try and have relationship with her, well as normal as being celebrities allowed you to. As much as you wanted that you didn't know if it was possible and that really scared you.

Not wanting to think about it, you walked to the kitchen and made some breakfast for the two of you. After a few minutes Taylor walked in and helped you finish the food, you ate in a comfortable silence and then you went to take a shower. You went downstairs again and looked for Taylor but she left a note saying she went to get groceries and would be back soon.

The next day was one of the hottest days of the year so you both got into your pool, Taylor was wearing a yellow bikini and to say she looked beautiful would be an understatement. The way her swimsuit highlighted her curves made her look incredible, her legs had always been one of your favorite things about her and she knew that, she looked sexy as hell.

"Stare much?" she said getting up from the cot next to yours and extended her hand for you to take.

"Well I can't help but stare at your sexy legs sweetheart." you say taking her hand and walking towards the pool together. You got in and the cold water refreshed you immediately and it felt great on your skin. You took a few seconds to soak in the water before coming back for air. You wrapped your arms around Taylor's neck and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Her lips were cold and tasted a bit of chlorine and lemons since she had a lemonade before getting into the pool. You wrapped your legs around her waist and she carried you without effort.

"I love you." you say pulling away.

"I love you too." she said smiling. She pulled you close into a hug and you rested your head on her shoulder comfortably, she held you close and you stayed like that for a few minutes not saying anything, just enjoying each other's company. The sun was still really strong but the water kept you refreshed. After a few minutes you went out of the pool to make some cocktails for the two of you and you drank them in the water.

"Taylor?" you ask her hoping you could talk about the relationship now. "Can we talk about this? about what this relationship means?" you ask and see Taylor stiff up a little bit but she nods.

"What do you want to talk about?" she asks, resting her back on the side of the pool.

"I want this to work more than I've ever wanted anything more in my life Taylor." you say resting your back to the side of the pool next to her. "but I don't want to hide this anymore. I want to take you to Thanksgiving dinner and friend's parties, I want you to be part of my life and I want you to get to know the people I love." you say and she looks at you nodding you know she understands this 100% percent. "But there's more. I know how the media has treated you in the past and I know they suck and would do anything to get a story and yes we should 100% have a private relationship without letting the entire world in but honey, I want to be able to take you to awards with me and hold your hand during the ceremony, I want us to be able to go out and have dinner not caring if people see us." you finish saying worried about what her reaction might be.

She takes a few seconds but finally starts talking. "Ummm okay, " she says, putting her now empty glass on the floor outside the pool. "I want that too, I want to meet your friends and family just as much as I want you to meet mine, I'm in on the thanksgiving dinners, parties, gatherings, holidays I want all of it with you. About the media thing I agree y/n I want to be able to do all of those things too. I want to go to awards with you and walk down the carpet with you, go out to eat and go on vacation together without worrying about what the world will say about us. However I do want our relationship to be as private as we can make it, I don't want the world to know where we are all the time, I don't want the world to have this magnifying glass on us the whole time, I want our relationship to be just ours and no one else's. I love you so much and I really want to make this work so I'll do whatever you want baby." she finishes saying and pulls you closer to her.

"I just want the both of us to be happy Tay, I want us to be able to live our lives as normal as we possibly can and I want us to travel the world, hang out with our loved ones, I want to build a life with you." you say and you can see the love in Taylor's eyes, you can feel the love she has for you by looking into her blue eyes.

"I want that too y/n I want all of that with you too. I love you." she said, pulling you into a sweet kiss. You spent the rest of the day hanging out by the pool and drinking different cocktails.

That night while Taylor takes a shower you call your parents to ask them how they are doing and make sure they are healing nicely and you were happy when they told you everything was fine and that everyday their lungs keep getting better and better. You went to sleep that night with Taylor's arms wrapped around you.

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