Chapter ten

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On Saturday you woke up and went downstairs to make some coffee. The house was completely quiet so you guess everyone is still asleep. You make the coffee and go outside, the weather is still a bit chilly and you see someone sitting on a chair at the beach. You walk closer and see some red hair popping out of the chair and immediately know it's Ryan.

"Hi Ryan." you say sitting next to him on the double chair he is sitting on. He turns to look at you and gives you a small smile.

"Hi y/n. Did you sleep okay?" he says, handing you a blanket which you wrap around yourself.

"Yeah I did thanks." you say.

"Okay y/n cut the crap you can lie to everyone but not me. I've known you since you were 15 and I know you are hiding something so go ahead shoot. I'm all ears." he says and you sigh, you had the small suspicion that he didn't believe you when you told them about Taylor yesterday and to be honest you were happy he didn't, you wanted to be able to tell him the truth as well.

"I don't know how I feel to be honest. I mean I do know I still have some very strong feelings towards her but I'm not sure if they are romantic feelings though, we have been spending so much time together lately and it's bringing back so many good memories of our time together and I'm honestly not sure what to do." you start explaining to him your troubles and he listens carefully. " Being with her again like this has made me realize how much we've both changed but how at the same time how we are still the same two girls we were 8 years ago when we started dating you know? Being with her brought back a sense of happiness I haven't felt in a long time."

"Well y/n you just said it yourself it's been 8 years maybe you both can try again. I mean you are both out of the closet now and the world knows you dated in the past, you have learned so much more and by the looks of it and what I've heard the both of you say it seemed like you two really loved each other." Ryan explained to you and he did have a point though so much had happened since then and you were living very different lives now, a little bit more stable and a little less complicated.

"I don't know Ryan." you said as he wrapped an arm around you trying to bring you comfort because he could see you were in pain and this confusion was really taking a toll on you. "I don't know if I could do it again, fall in love with her and then break up. I don't think I could recover from that heartbreak, not for a second time."

"Well, whatever you decide to do I support you and no matter what happens I'm here for you." he says hugging you.

"Even if I get my heartbroken into a million pieces?" you ask looking up at him.

"I'll help you pick up all the pieces." he says and you smile and lay your head on his shoulder.

You stay there for a few more minutes before hearing Kevin's screams telling you breakfast is ready. You  go back inside the house and have a delicious breakfast made by Kevin on the dining room table. After breakfast everyone kinda went and did their own thing. Kevin and Ryan were planning poker, Nathan was on a work meeting upstairs as well as Sadie while you were reading on the back porch.

Since Sadie and Nathan had normal jobs they had to work in the morning and Kevin, Ryan and were killing time waiting for them to finish work. You got bored and started scrolling on social media but before you noticed it you were writing a text to Taylor.

You: Taylor come on! At least let me hear something.

You: This mystery is killing me.

You put your phone down anxiously waiting for Taylor's response and a few seconds later it comes.

Taylor: Nope, I'm sorry I can't send it. It's too risky, you'll just have to wait until you come back.

You keep texting Taylor for a bit trying to convince her to at least write the lyrics down but she doesn't budge. Ryan and you make lunch for everyone and just as you finish cooking Nathan and Sadie finish work and come back down to the kitchen where everyone was. Kevin did not help at all because he said he was on vacation and he had already cooked and since that was work we wouldn't be doing it again so that's why Ryan and you ended up cooking lunch for everyone although Kevind did scold you when you did something wrong.

After lunch you and Sadie went surfing just as you agreed on the day before. You both put on your wetsuits and jumped into the sea. When you first met Sadie you bonded over your love of surfing. She grew up here in LA so she had been surfing since she was little with her dad and brother and you learned when you first moved to LA on your days off from filming and you loved it so much. This was the first time since you moved back here from New York that you got to surf and it felt great. While you and Sadie surfed you could see the boys sitting on the beach drinking beer and you and Sadie knew they were betting on who would fall first or who could ride the most waves.

After about two hours you got out of the ocean and you could feel all of your muscles would be sore tomorrow but you didn't care because you had a wonderful time in the water. You take a shower and go downstairs to where the rest of the group is, they are on a zoom call with both girls who are all the way in London. You talk for a while with them before hanging up and moving on to make dinner and since you and Ryan made lunch Sadie and Nathan took care of dinner. It was really good because Kevin saw how incompetent the two of them were in the kitchen and he ended up doing most of the cooking.

After dinner you all went swimming in the ocean for a while. You all played like little kids on the ocean getting knocked over by the waves, trying to jump them and swimming underneath them. By midnight all of you were completely wasted and were barely able to form any words. You did karaoke, played some very inappropriate drinking games like you were still teenagers, sent inappropriate texts to your friends in England and the next day when you woke up in your bed you couldn't remember how or when you got there.

You went downstairs and saw everyone there looking like zombies. Nathan gave you an aspirin and it did ease the hangover a little bit. A few hours later you were all trying to survive the hangover at the pool. You were laying on a pizza floatie and slowly you started to feel better. You all skipped lunch so by the time dinner came

you were all starving and devoured the food like animals. That really brought everyone back to life and you ended up the night on a bonfire again. The same lonely feeling came back to you and your mind wondered again to Taylor except this time you didn't got a text from her and you were actually listening and participating in the conversations everyone was having about how Emilia's current boyfriend could potentially be the one because you had never seen her so happy.

After realizing how much you had missed each other you decided to have dinner once a week in one of your houses and you volunteered to be the first one to host dinner on friday night. You had one of the best nights of your year and didn't go to sleep until late at night.

The next morning you had a simple breakfast before packing your suitcase to go back to your normal life. You loaded everything into the trunk of Kevin's and Nathan's car. before saying goodbye to the host couple.

"Bye guys thank you so much for everything." you say giving them both a hug before getting in the car back to Beverly Hills.

The drive back home was nice and relaxing since there still wasn't traffic in the city. You went to get some lunch before they took you back to your house. Kevin helped you get your trunk out of the car.

"Nathan thanks for driving me back home." you say to him before walking towards the main entrance with Kevin still carrying your bag. "Bye Kev thanks for everything." you say hugging your friend.

"By y/n I love you." he says letting go of you.

"Love you too." he says walking back down to the car and opening the door but he turned around before getting into the white car. "And go get that blonde beauty and stop denying your feelings." he yelled before getting into the car and driving away.

You entered your house, dropped your bag in your bedroom and about an hour later as you were making yourself a sandwich you heard your doorbell ring. You checked the security camera on the porch and saw it was Taylor.

"Hi." you say excited to see her again. "Come on in."

"Hi." she says stepping into the house. "I missed you."

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