Chapter eleven

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You sat down on the living room couch sharing a bag of gummy bears you had bought at the gas station on your way back from Malibu. You both were laughing like you haven't in a long time. She was telling you this hilarious story about something that happened to her while on the Reputation tour and you couldn't stop laughing. You had forgotten how funny Taylor actually is. You laugh until you can't breathe anymore and it hurts to move.

You spent the whole day with her, she showed you the song and you loved it. You told her about your weekend and she told you about how uneventful hers was, you cooked dinner together and ended the night watching a movie on your couch. She fell asleep on your shoulder.


Before you noticed it was July, and you were almost done with Taylor's album. You were recording the last song today and were really worried if you would still be seeing her as much now that you weren't gonna be working together. You really really hoped you would because you didn't want to spend a day without her anymore, seeing her had turned into such a rutinary thing to do everyday and that changing would completely throw you off. Taylor decided to name the new album folklore and was planning to release it around July 24th or something like that you couldn't exactly remember. You had heard the album and it was beautiful, the way she created this beautiful imaginary world full of characters and stories was intoxicating and you were in love with the album and thankful to be able to be a part of this project.

Everyday the tension between you and Taylor grew up more and more, over the course of the last couple of weeks you and Taylor had almost kissed three times. Once on your couch after doing a Grey's Anatomy marathon, the second time in the Kitty Committee studio otherwise known as her guest bedroom and finally in your kitchen after she taught you how to make her famous chai cookies. Even though you wanted to kiss her soft lips again you knew there was no way back and you would fall back in love with her. Both you and Taylor knew there was something going on. You both knew the feelings you had for each other hadn't gone away completely.

That morning you recorded the last song on the album and it was now officially finished. Taylor sent the audio to Jack so he could make the last arrangements he needed and send it all the way to the label and start preparing the release of the album. You lit some champagne and celebrated with Taylor all day long, you listened to your favorite songs, cooked some lasagna and talked all day long. You left her house that evening feeling incredibly happy.

The next day Taylor came over to your house because she was gonna help you build a new bookshelf you bought for all the new books you had read since the pandemic started. You were trying to build the shelf but it was harder than you expected and the two of you found yourself really struggling to build it, even with the instructions you couldn't do it. You were taking a water break and were hanging out in the kitchen when you got a call from your sister.

"Hi Emma, what's up?" you ask happily as you answer her but you can only hear your sister crying on the other side of the phone.

"y/n um mom and dad have Covid." she says sobbing on the other side of the phone.

"What?" you ask panic clearly visible in your voice. "What do you mean they have Covid?" as you mention that word Taylor looks at you worried.

"Yeah um I don't know they started showing symptoms and took the test today, it just came back positive." she says, her voice shaking.

"Um okay okay and are they okay? Where did they get it from?" you ask, trying not to cry and cause any more panic to your sister.

"Umm right now they say they just feel like they have a terrible flu and both of them have lost their sense of smell and taste. Had's oxygen is at 87 and mom's is at 90." she says. "Y/n what do I do?"she asks and you know how terrified she is you can hear it in her voice.

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