Chapter twelve

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When you woke up the next day you missed Taylor's warmth next to you but couldn't help to feel a little bit of relief knowing you wouldn't have to face an awkward moment with her. You called Emma asking her about your parents and she said that things were still the same as yesterday, after that you called the doctor and she told you it was normal and that they shouldn't make any progress until about 3 to 4 more days. You wished things were better but at least they weren't getting worse so that made you feel a bit at ease. You went downstairs just in time for breakfast, you all had breakfast together and after that Taylor went back to her house to take a shower. The moment she left the house you were bombarded by questions from your friends.

"What happened last night?" Sadie asked, sitting on the stool next to yours.

"Did you kiss? Are you back together?" Kevin asked intensely.

"We want details y/n." Ryan said, leaning in from the other side of the counter.

"What are you talking about?" you ask, acting confused but you knew exactly what they meant.

"Don't be an idiot y/n you know exactly what we are talking about." Sadie said. "Taylor went to check on you and she never came back so spill bitch."

"Nothing happened guys really." you tell them. "She entered the room to make sure I was okay, which I was but when she was about to leave I asked her to stay with me because I didn't want to be alone so she did. She was just being polite." you say finishing your second cup of coffee mysteriously.

"Yes!" Kevin yelled. "A win for the gays." he said making you laugh.

"I'm gonna take a shower." you say ending the conversation and walking upstairs.

A week after your parents got Covid they finally started to get better, their symptoms got less horrible and slowly they started to get better. Once they were out of the blue your friends went back to their homes, except Taylor. She stayed with you everyday and made sure you were doing okay. She made you food, cleaned the house, and did laundry. She was there for you and you were extremely thankful because you truly had no idea what you would have done without her. After that horrible week she went back to sleep at her house and you missed her like crazy, you missed waking up next to her and missed her raspy morning voice.

One day in the early morning she came bursting through the door yelling with excitement. You ran down the stairs to see what was wrong with her.

"What happened, why are you this happy?" you ask still trying to dry your hair with the towel since you just came out of the shower a few minutes ago.

"Look" she said excitedly and handed you a Folklore cd. "It just came a few minutes ago."

You took the cd and looked at it, the cover was a picture of her in the woods in black and white. You turned the cd to see the songs written down. You threw yourself into her arms. "Oh my god Taylor this is awesome." you say as she carried you and spin you around happily.

She pulled you back into the ground and let go of you but your hair got entangled in her bracelet and you found yourself in the same position as you had a few weeks ago after you went to the beach, your hands were wrapped around her neck and you couldn't keep your eyes off of her. She again glanced at your lips and you wanted to kiss her so badly and before you were about to lean in she talked.

"Sorry." she said looking at her wrist and began to untangle your hair from her hand. Disappointment covered your entire body as she pulled away and walked away leaving you standing there frozen wishing you had just kissed her before she pulled away instead of lingering.

"When did you do the photoshoot though?" you ask confused since she never mentioned anything about it and as far as you knew there weren't any forests close to where you lived.

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