Prologue (Part 1)

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In 1942, Nazi Germany as it is almost start another front in western.Now they are fighting Soviet Union in Eastern front since the Nazi Germany is also sending troop and armored vehicles in Africa to fend off the US and Britain forces that arrives there with the help of Italy.

In the Pacific, The battle between Empire of Japan and Asia country are still rage on with the whole world are in war . When suddenly a bright light engulfed the whole Allies and Axis countries and send them to a new world.

In the US, at a White House, a president could be seen talking in a phone that look like it come from 1940s.The President was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a USA president and he is talking to the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill.

Roosevelt:What do you mean we lost contact with other nation and did you say that our nation is close to each other?

Churchill:Yes, because yesterday my navy had made contact with your fleet and also have been shine by the bright light blind us.

Roosevelt:Yes, I can relate to something like this but what about the other nation?

Churchill:I don't know about that. But I think it best we send our navy to find the rest of our allies and also send some fleet to undertake expetition to search any habitants

Roosevelt:I guess that could do it. But we have to be careful if we encounter any inhabitants.

Roosevelt also got report about the neighbor country near US have disappear in thin air replace with Ocean and same to Great Britain that Ireland have disappear without a trace.

Now the fleet of US And Britain start their expetition to find any habitant in the world they in.

In the Berlin,

There is a man in his late 50s in his office sitting down after a soldier had tell him that the scout plane have found something unusual and the neighbors country also disappear and replace with Ocean. The man in his late 50s is name, Adolt Hitler. Also the Chancellor of the Greater Germany Reich and the man who start the war against Poland. Since the former country of Poland and their puppet country have disappear and replace with their former self. But the Germany also have made contact with her allies which is, Empire of Japan and Kingdom of Italy. Since then the Nazi Germany have a puppet nation that is France, Poland and other small nations. He also hear that the soldiers from the puppet nation suddenly transport to the Germany.

Suddenly, There was someone knock at the door.

Hitler: Come in.

German Soldier: Mein Fuhrer, The fleet that you have order is ready.

Hitler: Good get them ready to sail together with Japan and Italy navy.

German Soldier: Ja Mein Fuhrer, I will tell them to prepare for voyager to find any landmass.

In the dock,Hamburg

German Soldier: Sir, The Fuhrer have order to start the Operation:Landmasse.

Lindemann:Ok, Let begin the Operation.

This is Otto Ernst Lindemann, The captain of the Bismarck. He have been task to go out to the open sea to make contact with the local in the new world. Now Lindemann have looking in the open sea for an hour and thinking about the thing that they might encounter in this new world.

Their task is to link up with Japanese and Italian fleet that will arrive at the Port of Hamburg. But they will outside the port because they will do whatever it have to gain access and also knowledge about the new world. They did not know about the existence of the allies country that also been transfer with them.

New War In A New World(Allies and Axis is in Nihonkoku Shoukan) Where stories live. Discover now