Intermission 1: Air Scouting And Undercover Spy Mission.

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In the Airbase of Northolt, London, United Kingdom. A First Squadron of Spitfire Fighter Plane are now at the Runway with their Propellers spinning as they prepare for take off. In one of the Cockpit, Is the Leader of the Squadron Fighter Plane as he now checking before taking off.

Leader: This is Angel 1, Are we prepare to Take off?

Tower: We have to make clearance of the Runway for any oncoming aircraft.

A few second after, the Radio crack as the Control Tower prepare to say it.

Tower: You have Clearance over the Runway, You and Your Squadron are now make your way to A1 Runway.

As the Three Spitfire are now Moving to the A1 Runway as they waiting for the Signal.

Leader: We in position now.

Tower: Then, You are now Clear to Fly. Make sure to come back safe.

Leader: We will.

The First Spitfire then move it Aircraft through the Runway. As the Aircraft fly and Gaining Speed with the Air flow through the Wing. The Aircraft then slowly starting to Ascending toward the Sky follow by the other two Aircraft.

The Aircraft than make a Formation as they soar through the Sky. They Fly through western part of the UK as they pass by Wales and head to Western part of the Country.

The Aircraft of the 3 Spitfire are now heading to the West of the UK as the Propellers was the thing that hear in the Sky. The Say of the Aircraft was 34th Air Corp Reconnaissance which only sent three Aircraft to Scout ahead any information over the 3rd Civilization without making the Country panic and seen by anyone on the ground. Then, the 3 aircraft fly through the Calming Sky as they are on Western of the UK sea. Suddenly, a land was spotted infront of them. The Air Fleet Reconnaissance have sent before but they were not equipped with the Camera on them so they can't give any Detail of the Country. Now, There, What look like a 16th Century City that also resemble a bit like Japan. The 3 Aircraft then invaded it airspace as they circling the City. The Lead Spitfire of the Pilot then radio to his Wingman about taking the Picture.

Leader: Take the Picture quick before any of them spotted us.

Wingman 2: Alright.

Wingman 3: You know this City look a bit like Japan.

Leader: It sure do.

Wingman 2: I got all the Picture. Let head back.

Wingman 3: Um.... Sir? We got Air unit infront of us.

Leader: What!?

The Lead Pilot then look infront of then as they see three looking alike dragon with the rider mounting it. From the look of it, the Dragons and it Riders have yet to noticed them.

Leader: Pull up. We must Avoid been Spotted and also avoid a Confronted by that dragon.

The 3 Aircraft then fly higher  and higher into the sky as they dissappear into the cloud.

-On the Opposite Side-

On the Opposite was 3 Wind Dragon of the 1th Dragon Patrol Squadron from Gahara Thearchy.

The rider start to talk about their normal talk.

Rider 1: So..... What are we doing here for?

Rider 2: We are patrolling this area from any possible threat.

Rider 3: I hear about our Fleet have hear about Thunderous Sound in the Southwest.

Rider 2: They do?

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