Chapter 26: Princess Escape And Been Saved

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Date: 15 April 1946/1646

-Before the Battle Begin in the City-

At the City, We See Two Female With Three Knight run Through The City. The One of the Female is A Princess and Another One is Act as a Bodyguard For The Princess with the Knights Also Save Guard The Princess for Any Trouble or Sudden Attack on the Princess.

They Run through until they See a Cave that Is Near the Wall. As Two Knight Came out from the Cave to See the Arrival of the Princess have Arrived yet Until They See Her Running with Few Of Them Guarding the Princess.

Knight 1: Over Here, Princess Lumies!

Knight 2: Hurry up!

All of them Arrived as They When down the Stair that Lead to the Underground Cave. Upon Entering the Underground, They Were met with a Man Standing there to Greet the Princess.

Knight: Princess Lumies, We Have Prepared a Ship at the End of this Cave.

Lumies: Won't the Palpadian Navy might Find Us?

Lilceida: They Won't, They Haven't Arrived Yet, Even So, They Only Rely on the Ground Unit. The King have Also take down the Flag showing with have No Affiliates with our Nation Anymore and We Might Avoid the Palpadian Fleet.

Knight: She right, We Might get Away from here in time.

Lumies: What is this Place?

Man: Well, I Glad you ask Princess, This Used to be a Harbor that Build our Ship Until it Was Abandoned due to the Past Incident.

The Underground Cave itself Have are Looking Better for the Better Days. There are Many Pier that Lead to the End of the Cave with it Platform as Many Crates Scattered around with Some look to be Broken Open. They is Also so Old Weapon of their Past Still Scattered around the Place. Some Having an Unfinished Hull of the Ship in the bahind of the Cave End, As it was Where the Shipbuilding Process been Done. At the End of One of the Pier, a Lone Ship was Put Idle as This is the Ship for the Urgent Escape.

The Ship Been Prepared by the King itself after His Meeting with The Palpadian Diplomat. He Prepared it as A Urgent Need, Thsi Ship was Only be a Escape Ship for His Daughter when the Time of War Began. He Made the Former Transport Ship of Altaras into Merchant Ship, Taking Down Their Flag showing No Bearing of Any Nation or Can be Considered as A Pirate too. Then, Princess Lumies Look back to the Stair as She Pray for her Father.

Lumies: Father.... I W-Will Definitely return to this Very Land.... To the Altaras and My People. Father.... I hope that you be In Good Health....

Then, A The Man Came Forward and Say Something to the Princess.

Man: Princess Lumies.... We Will Await your Return by then.... Or Now, You are Next in Line of the Throne After Your return.... Your Highness.

The Man then turn at Lilceide to Speak to her too.

Man: Also, Knight Lilceide, We Leave The Princess in your Care.

Lilceide: Yes....

Then, Lumies them Tear Out a Bit by the Fact that She is going to Leave the People of Altaras to The City and Letting them Be Occupied by the Very Sworm Enemy that have also Threatened them in the Past Before Hand.

Lumies: Well.... Stay Safe Then everyone....

Man: We All will..... We All Will, When we Hear Your Great News,Your Highness!

Lilceide: Come on, Princess, We have to go. Our Time is Running out!

Lumies: Well, We will Come Back as I will Promise!

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