Chapter 11: The Aftermath Of Both Battles

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4 October 1644/1944

-In Lotus Garden-

In the Garden of Nature, the Government of Qua-Toyne have sitting in their respective seat as Yagou have reture from his Observation Naval Battle.

Yagou now is standing in the middle of the table with the Government of Qua-Toyne. As the Prime Minister start to speak.

Kanata: So, how the Observation going?

Yagou: It was very interesting to say the least.

Rinsui: How so?

Yagou: Well, Here the report from the Battle.

Yagou hand the Report to the Prime Minister as all the Ministers start to look over the Report. They were very shocked at the result.

Rinsui: W-What!? Are you sure the report is right?

Yagou: Yes.

Minister 1: Are you sure? Because it say that the Alliance Ship have not received any Damages while the Lourian suffered a total annihilation?

Minister 3: Do you think this is a fairy tale story you going to make in the report?

Minister 2: How can I be sure this is a right report when you just think this as Fairy Tale story? The Alliance might have some damages because of the large amount of Warship that Lourian have.

The Ministers keep talking about the false report and though that it was impossible that the alliance did not get damages at all. Until, Prime Minister raise it hand and shut them up.

Kanata: So, tell me everything you know from your observation.

Yagou: Well, the Lourian Fleet were coming toward the Alliance ship after the warning shot but having 270 Unit of Wyvern Dragoon Squadron heading to the the Battleship and tried to attack but been attack by the Battleship 'AA Gun'.
With the last, of 40 left I think have been slaughter by the Plane from the Alliance. With that more than 40 Ship of Fleet come out to assist and destroy leaving only 25 ship to return back to their homeland.

Kanata: Hm.....very interesting.

Rinsui: Wait.... They have more metal ship?

Yagou: I don't know.... But, they do have say it enough to take over the whole world if wanted too.

Ministers: What!?

Yagou: That what the Vice-Admiral from the HMS Hood have say to me. Before, I exit the ship.

Kanata: I think that sum up the report I need to hear. Thank for the report, you can go back to your duty.

Yagou: Okay, than I take my leave than.

Yagou then head out and head back to Embassy to work his Paperwork.

Rinsui: Are you sure about this? I mean allies with them, Prime Minister?

Kanata: I'm sure. Beside they are generous to give their old equipment for us. Even, having some of their company here and also help us modernize our country as they say it.

Minister 1: But, the only problem is their power.

Kanata: If we not provoke them we be fine.

Rinsui: As you wish than, Prime Minister.

-Louria Capital, Jin-Haag-

In Grand Bathroom for the King, The King was still sitting there as the Maids was him up. Until, the door was knock. The Maid leave the King to have a talk to the one that is coming in.

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