Chapter 18: Sea Battle Near Coast Of Fenn

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Date: 4 January 1946/1646

As the Palpadian Fleet was Getting closer to The Japanese, American and British with their Cannon at Ready.

Captain: This..... I wonder which nation have this type of Metal ship in Third Civilization? No matter what it is, that Ship will Go down like the Fenn Fleet.

Since the Palpadian Fleet have encounter a Ship that was From Alliance. The Ship was from Japanese Destroyer that was on Recon mission for Possible threat that is Approach to Fenn.

From the Palpadian View, The Unknown ship to them was just sitting Idle on the Calm sea until it turn Starboard and the Palpadian Fleet was Getting ready to attack until it turn full on back and from the look of it, The Unknown Ship headed back to the Direction of Fenn Kingdom.

Poquetoire: You know?

Captain: Oh, Admiral Poquetoire, I didn't expect to see you coming here.

Poquetoire: Well, I do see that weird ship that was head back to the Fenn Kingdom. Perhaps, That a Nation was invite to the Parade?

Captain: It could be?

Poquetoire: The question is, What nation that have possess a Ship like that? The only nation that come in mind was From Holy Milishial Empire and Kingdom of Mu. Those both nation have a Ship like this.....

Captain: You think they were just invite to the parade to show their power or..... That Fenn have invite them because of the Safe Security of the their Nation?

Poquetoire: I couldn't tell yet, But, For some reason, the Ship is too Similar to Kingdom of Mu of their Ship.... But at the Same time it was Different from the look of it.

Captain: Then, The Plan still the Same?

Poquetoire: Yes, the Plan is still the Same. Follow the Plan and our Victory will be achieved! We will show the Fenn, Who they messing with. With other Nation that participant the Parade.

Captain: Well, We actually getting closer to the Port of Fenn.

The Admiral then the spyglass and look at the Dictance as the Port is on the View. But, He seen something that was out of ordinary.

Poquetoire: Yes, I see the Port is coming into.... View? What the hell?

Captain: What is it, Admiral?

Poquetoire: is there.... Any Superpower that have Participated in the Parade?

Captain: From, What I hear at the Naval Commissioner Office. They have not given known of the Information. So, There is no any Superpower that have went to the Parade.

Poquetoire: That strange....., Because, I saw a Ship that look having a Paint gray on it..... It should be that Ship was made out of Metal.

Captain: Metal!? The Naval Commission didn't tell anything related to Metal Ship that will be there.

Poquetoire: Seem like, the Naval Commission have not inspect Fully of the Fleet.

Captain: Are we going to fight them?

Poquetoire: Yes, We going to Fight them, Well, Let show them, What happen if they ever defying the our Emperor Proposal. Head up, Ready the Cannon!

Captain: We made this Fight Fast. The Barbarian Ship will not stand for long.

Poquetoire: Yes, Let show them the True Superpower!

As they are getting closer, Then, A Few of Destroyer and the Cruiser come from Behind as it turn Broadside with all of the Armament point at the Incoming Palpadian Fleet.

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