Chapter 27: Altaras Arriving And Staying At United States Of America

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Date: 15 April 1946/1646

A Group of Fleet now Cruising to the Wave with Flag of the United States of America at the Top Conning Tower of the Ship Pole. With the Foggy Whether Clouded the View of Every Command Bridge of the Each Naval Vessels of the United States. Inside of the Command Bridge Of USS Iowa, As the Admiral Came up to a Girl that Wearing too Revealing.

Admiral: Well, You a Bit a Early.

Lilceide: Well, I Want to Wake Early to Came up here to See the Nation of Your.

Admiral: You be Surprised by then. From What you Describe Yesterday and The Nation of You.... And Even the Invader. I Have to Say that this Should be a Matter to be Concern regardless of the Invader.

Lilceide: Yes..... They Already take everything from us.

Admiral: Well, Seem like You Altaras Sure never seen Something like this?

Lilceide: Well, The Only thing we Saw Mostly is Our Wooden Ship Compare to Your Steel Ship.

Admiral: Well, This is a Battleship. This is The Battleship that always Maintain in Firepower and Heavy Armor.

Lilceide: So, I don't want to Imagine about the Destruction this can do.

Admiral: Well, You don't need too. The Battleship Role usually act as Vanguard in the Sea Battle. It can Take a Few Hit or More From Just Mere Battleship too. The Only thing you need is A Skillful in Act to Counter And Maneuver from Danger. Something the Battleship can be a Nation Pride Ship as It Something Boost Some Morale to the Crew.

Lilceide: I see..... What about that Ship over There?

Lilceide Point at the USS Lexington that is Near Behind Them.

Admiral: That is Aircraft Carrier, A Carrier that Carry the Aircraft You see on the Flight deck. The Role of the Aircraft Carrier is Mostly Act as Support rather than Vanguard Forces. They usually Send Aircraft Whether it was Reconnaissance-

Lilceide: Re-What?

Admiral: For Short, Scouting, Well, The Other was Mostluly Sending the Aircraft to the Air and To the Battle Whether in Sea or Land Or Even in the Air. Something Carrier Tend to have Escorts to Protect the Carrier, But, Some Carrier have Small Caliber Battery that Similar to Destroyer Battery, But Mostly Having Anti-Aircraft.

Lilceide: Um.... I think I Got it..... Your Nation System of Ways and Even the Machinery Of Your is So Complex than the Palpadian one.

Admiral: How so?

Lilceide: I hear they have Ironclad.

Admiral: Ironclad......? I See.....

Then, A Crew that is Near on the Window of the Command Bridge as He look through his Binocular as The Thick Fog have Cover the View of the they have  Area. So Using the Binocular to See Far Distance and Checking For any Land Up ahead that is Familiar to them. While the Rest of the Fleet Stick Together in Formation to Also not Get Lost to the Sudden Thick Fog.

As They Pass through, The Fog Began to Dissipate and Slowly Dissappear from it View. The Next thing Showing out after the Fog Dissipated, Showing a Huge City as A Bridge That Connect from Another land To Another Land. Lilceide Was Shock to See the Size of the Bridge that is Our of her Expectations Same go for the Rest of Altaran Refuge that Came to the Balcony of The Tower. As The City also Came in View with the Beautiful City that the Altaran have Ever Seen.

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