Chapter 13: Fall Of The Kingdom

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-Jin-Haag, Kingdom of Louria-

In the Wyvern Airfield HQ, A Man was standing as he watch the Wyvern in what look like a hangar. Then, He have been called out by the Comm Operator. He are the Commander Of the Wyvern Corp who lead his Wyvern to victory in some part.

Comm Operator: Sir, We just got the message from the Jin-Hoag.....

Commander: What do they say?

Comm Operator: U-Um..... They say make a defense on the capital city..... And the line was cut off. They do say something about an enemy attack and the Port have Fallen.

Commander: Damn it! Then, I think the defense have to be prepared now. Thank you for the information.

The Commander got out from the HQ as he run toward the Houses that the Wyvern Rider were staying. As he go to the Bell tower and told the Man who in charge to ringing the Bell as it was a emergency. The Bell ring as it making all the Rider to wake up. The Bell was make long time ago as a sign to Ringing about possible danger. While going on combat, the Commander would run and heading to the door and call them out for duty. For the Bell is only for a possible threat that coming toward Capital City. The only thing that can ring this bell is someone from Higher up or a Commander that something might happen to the Capital.

But, if the bell ring without any reason than a treason and a possible execute would be made by the order of the King. Because, He always say about disturbing him while he was doing something. So, the Bell ring have also attracting all the Lourian People and soldier alike as they now are on preparing for the worst.

In What look like a Hangar for the Wyvern are now as they been kept in there until they might have a Duty to done. The Rider all are rushing to their Wyvern as they preparing their gear.

In one of the Room, a man then open the door. He is a Captain of the Wyvern Squad as his name is Adebaran. The Captain then call out for him for the Duty.

Adebaran: Hey, Wake Up, Newcomer. Dispatch Order. 3rd Wyvern Squadron are to watch over the Capital for the Possible Threat.

The Newcomer suddenly sit up as he look at the Captain. His name is Nediho, a New Recruited. He haven't taste a real battle as this will be his first one and the fact that he want to be a Rider like how he see them when he was younger.

Nediho: Yes, Sir!

Both of them went out as Nediho Gear up and head to his Wyvern. As they Arrived in th e Hangar as some of the Wyvern have take off.

Adebaran: Well, Fly high and Pridefully. I hope you have some skill out there. I also Expectations from you and your Partner.

Nediho: Yes, Captain!

Nediho then went to his Wyvern as he look at his Partner.

Nediho: Well, let go, Tert. Our First ever Sortie.

Then, Nediho then climb up on his Wyvern.

-At the Rodenius Northern Port-

The Jin-Hoag Port was now been under control by The Alliance which from Japanese, American and British. Since, the Qua-Toynian was suppose to be here but they suddenly say that they have to put their sailor under training as most of them are not a well trained sailor on the current equipment that the Alliance have offer. But, not for the Army as they can already know how to handle firearms but the tank was still an OK for them as they can manage on control it. The Various Ship that been given by the Alliance was a Week ago before the Begun of the War.

The Port was now having Tank rolling pass the Pave road, The Japanese Soldiers Marching through as they holding their Rifle and resting it on their shoulders with them singing their Song. The American Soldiers were seen carrying Crate of Ammunition and other supply with the British and Japanese as they Talking like Friend. In the Beach was the Landing Vehicles, Tracked and was designated as LVT-4. They start to move in as they deployed Jeep. The LVT(A)-4 was a Tank Version of the Landing Version of it and it equipped with 75mm Howitzer of the M2/M3 Tank. With also the M1919 Browning Machine Gun on top of the Turret. Even, with Multiple of the Landing Craft were there as they deployed More Tank, Armoured Vehicles, Truck and even Infantry.

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