Intermission 3: Unknown Spy From Unknown Country

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In the Dead of the night, As the Street of one of the Lourian Modernize City that look somewhere on 1910s. A Man Still walking on the City and was Having a Surprise look on his Face as his Partner come by him.

Unknown Man 1: This place...... How can a Barbarian Nation be fast at Modernize the Country?

Unknown Man 2: I still have no idea about that.

Unknown Man 1: There should be a Nation that might help them.

Unknown Man 2: It Could be.

Unknown Man 1: The Last time we came here is still look like Obsolete Military.... And most important their Building is not even close to our in term of it.

Unknown Man 2: Hey, look at that Pole!

Unknown Man 1: The Hell? What Nation are those?

Unknown Man 2: I don't know. But, I for sure that Lourian Get Conquer by a Nation..... But, From the Look of 7 Flag. It should be more than One Nation by the Look of it.

Unknown Man 1: We have to get out of here before we get Spotted.

Then, A Group of German and Soviet Soldier are Patrolling the Area and it Happen to go past the Two Unknown Man that look like they are in Hurried. A German look at the Two man that is starting to Fast their Pace.

Soviet Soldier: Hans, What Wrong?

German Soldier: It..... Nothing.

Back at the Two unknown Man that is Out of the City and now heading back to the post that is Located at the Deep Forest. The Two Man then head in to the Post which look like a Abandoned Building and it look like it was Ruined on the Outside bug the Inside is still are a Place that are in good Condition.

Unknown Man 1: That was Close one.

Unknown Man 2: Let report back, What we have seen so Far.

Then, A knock was heard on the Door. Both of them look at each other and wonder who can be knock at the Door. They hope it wasn't what they have seen of the Soldier back there. The First Man then slowly open the Door slightly and seen a Well Dressed Uniform Military Outfit that could fit for a Role of Officer. The Officer having wear all Gray in term of Color and Having a Eagle in the Left side of the Chest with a Cross Medal at the Right with the Cap that he Wear. The Officer is A German Officer after he have received a Information the Two Unknown Man That is Looking a Bit Suspicious as they Going out of the City.

German Officer: Hallo there.

Unknown Man 1: Um.... Hello.....May I help you?

German Officer: Well, I just saw this Abandoned House and seen a Light on the Inside and think that there might be Someone in here.

Unknown Man 1: Oh.... Well, Me and My Friend Live here ever since...... The House still OK from the Inside.

German Officer: May I come in?

Unknown Man 1: Sorry about that. I have thing to do inside and I can't let you for a reason.

German Officer: Why that?

Unknown Man: Well......

The Man having his Hand on the Back with what look like a Handgun and he Are Prepare for the Strike against the Officer to keep Hiding thier identity.

German Officer: Well..... I see. Sorry to take your Time but..... I have a Question.

Unknown Man 1:What it is?

German Officer: You are under A Custody.

Unknown Man 1: Wh-

A Rifle Of the Butt hit on the Head of the First Man as he fall down on the Ground. As another man also fall Unconsciously on the Floor.

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