Chapter 7: Defenses Preparation And Attacking The Air Scout

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Gregorian Date: January 4, 1945

New World Date: July 11, 1565

Location: Airbase, Qua-Toyne

There a series of whirring sound of propellers. Then, there is the newest construct Airbase in Qua-Toyne. A column of transport plane were line up with paratrooper went in the plane. The Douglas C-47 Skytrain, Junkers Ju 52, Lisunov Li-2, Savoia-Marchetti SM.83, Mitsubishi Ki-57, Bloch MB.220 and lastly the Avro York transport plane are prepare for take off which the American, German, Soviet, Italy, Japanese, French and British paratrooper enter the plane. Which, there was about 70 transport plane are prepare to take off and 730 paratroopers with the Escort fighter plane will arrive there. The
Nakima Ki-43 Hayabusa, Messerscmidt Bf 109, The Spitfire and also Curtiss P-40 Warhawks are ready to Escort the transport plane for any threat aeriel unit. The Command Radio to the first P-40 pilot squadron leader about the situation.

Command: You know your mission right?

P-40 Pilot: Yes, we know the our mission.

Command: Watch your surroundings after arriving there and ensure the safety of the Transport to arrive at the designated location. Over.

P-40 Pilot: Alright command.

Command: One thing, I have received a message from HQ that the spies have spotted the enemy in the forest and already cross border. Since, the briefly was yesterday and the ground unit have left to get there as fast there could. The information was send yesterday late at night. So, I need you guy to get there as fast as guy could. But, it could be that they might just prepare for now. After, the paratrooper arrive there be sure to make defense as fast as they can and the reinforcement will arrive there went the war started I think. That what I hear from HQ.

P-40 Pilot: I will convey the message to the rest of the paratroopers and my air squadron. Over.

Command: Good, the wyvern will be there to attack first. So, you guy is to help the Qua-Toyne Defense Squad of Ejey in the air battle against Louria Wyvern.

P-40 Pilot: Roger that, command.

Then, the radio transmission have end between the Pilot and AirBase Trafic Control Tower. The Pilot also convey the message to the his air squadron and the paratrooper that going to drop at Ejey.

At the runway, the lead P-40 Pilot look at his cockpit windshield and at the Signal crew. The Signal crew did a signal gesture before the P-40 flap before giving a thump up to the signal crew.

The Fighter plane and Paratrooper started to takeoff one by one. Before, the last plane take off. This Airbase is not far from Maihark and the alliance are going to make a flyby through Maihark.

-In Maihark Resident-

The City is look something from the 1910s Poland. The city is lively with many tourists from the alliance have come to visit and also having fun. The Economy of Qua-Toyne is increasingly with tourist keep on coming. Then, something are coming at their city and what look like multiple whirring sound of plane are coming.

Maihark R. : What was that?

Maihark R. 2:  This sound is look like from a few month ago.

Maihark R. 3: Guy, look!

One of the resident point at the sky as he see something like multiple dots coming in view. The resident of Maihark and the tourists look at the sky and saw what look like hundreds of plane flyby through Maihark.

US Tourist: It the US Air Force!

German Tourist: There is also the Luftwaffe too!

British Tourist: The Royal Air Force is there too!

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