Chapter 05

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Hestia pov

I was currently at the party that was being hosted by Lord Ganesha. It was a party for the gods and I was currently doing a gods work over the food table.

??: Oh and what do you think you’re doing Hestia?

The sudden voice caused me to let out a muffled squeal. I look up and turn around to see Freya standing behind me.

Hestia:*thoughts* Why would a Goddess like Freya waste her time talking to someone like me.

Freya: Are you busy?

Hestia: Always too busy to deal with you.

To my surprise, she lets out a small laugh.

Freya: Oh it’s the little things like that, that make me like you so much.

Hestia: Well at least you’re not quite as unbearable unlike SOME people around here.

I say glancing behind her to see the one person I didn’t wanna see here.

Loki: It’s Freya!

She then speeds up and stops next to Freya.

Loki: And shrimpy.

Freya: Well hello Loki.

Hestia: Oh great and what are YOU doing here.

I say in an annoyed tone.

Loki: Sweetie you know me. I’m doing whatever I want, I’m Loki.

?? 01: Oh yeah did you guys hear what happened?

?? 02: No what?

?? 01: I heard that a level 1 defeated one of the Loki familia.

?? 02: What no way! It must be fake.

?? 01: I saw it with my own eye. Kid nearly killed the guy.

?? 03: What level was he?

?? 01: If I’m not mistaken, he was a level 1.

?? 03: Huh?!

Hestia and Freya turned to Loki.

Freya: Is that true Loki?

Loki: Yeah, but Bete was getting out of hand and kid managed to shut him up.

I smirked.

Hestia: I see so he had a run in with Akira.

Freya: I take it you know this individual Hestia?

Hestia: Yip, he’s part of my familiar!

Freya: Hm, I see.

Loki: Huh?! You’re telling me that kid is part of your familiar?!

Hestia: Yup.

Loki: Hmph, well it doesn’t matter he’ll never be able to beat my Ais.

Hestia: Hmph, guess we’ll just have to see about that.

Loki and I started butting heads.

Freya: You two get along so well.

Hestia/Loki: No we don’t!!

Freya: Oh and Loki, I couldn’t help but notice you seem to be looking a little different today.

Loki then lifts her head causing me to fall face first on the floor.

Freya: You wouldn’t normally be seen in such glamours attire.

Loki: Oh this? Well it’s just that I heard a certain little itsy - bitsy guest was gonna be here tonight so I wanted to mock her for being too poor to buy a real dress.

Hestia: HA! Oh now that’s real funny Loki I’m over hear having a good belly laugh myself.

Loki: No don’t!

Hestia: Seriously you showed up to the party without any boobs!

I say pointing and laughing at Loki’s flat chest.

Hestia:*laughs* No Boobs! *laughs*

She covers her ears in anger as I point at her pitiful chest still laughing. Hell even Freya let out a muffled giggle. However my laughter was cut short as Loki grabbed me by my cheeks and started swinging me around causing all the party members to stop and watch what was going on.

Hestia: Ahh! Let me go!

Loki: Aww aren’t you just the sweetest little thing, oh yes you are.

Guy 01: Oh yeah now this is what I call a show!

Guy 02: The ultimate title battle. Short and busty vs tall and flat.

Loki then began swinging me around like a ragdoll.

Guy 03: I bet 10 valis on short and busty.

Guy 04: I got 10 on the tall and flat one making a stupid mistake at the last minute.

Guy 05: And I’ll be there to comfort Loki when she loses.

Guy 01: I’ll take that bet. *laughs*

She then drops me to the floor and walks away angrily.

Loki: I let you off easy today!

Hestia: I dunno Loki you’re chest is so flat I might mistake you for a guy the next time I see you!

Loki: Oh just shut your fat face.

She says walking away as two tears trails down her eyes.

??: You two are at it again I see.

Hestia:*gasp* Hephaestus! Oh I’m so glad you’re here I’ve missed you!

Hephaestus: What you missed me?

Hephaestus:*leans downs* Let me be blunt if it money you’re after, you’re not getting a single Valis from me.

Hestia:*gasp* Excuse me! Do I look like the kind of Goddess that would stoop so low to fish for handouts from her best friend?!

Hephaestus: You know you got a lot of nerve saying that especially how you freeloaded off my Familia. And then came crying to me about how you were broke and had no family left after I had to kick you out.


Hephaestus: Do you honestly wonder why I assume you want something?

Hestia: Ahh! Okay maybe I used to do that but not anymore because I’ve got my own familia now!

Hephaestus: I take it that your referring to Akira, the red hair kid with orange eyes?

Hestia:*smiles* Yup!

Out of the corner of my eye I see a man in a black suit come up and whisper something in her ear. I could see Freya’s eyes widen for a second.

Freya: Hephaestus. Hestia I’m afraid I must be on my way.

And with that she quickly left with her guards following behind her.

Hephaestus: Alright so what is it you wanted to talk to me about again?

Hestia: Aki’s been trying to gain an audience with you, but you never around, so I thought I could ask you here.

Hephaestus: First things first, do you have the money on you?

Hestia: Yup.

Hephaestus stares at me trying to see if I was lying, but I wasn’t.

Hephaestus: Well I see you ain’t lying, so why don’t we continue this conversation back at my workshop.

Hestia: Okay.

To be continued…

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