Chapter 17

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3rd person pov

Right now Akira is walking down town minding his own business.

Syr: Aki!

Syr: I want you.

Akira stared at her and processed what he just heard.

Akira:*blushing* Eh?!!!!!!

Scene change

Akira: What?! So that's what you meant?!

Syr: I'm sorry. They piled up while I watch goofing off- ah I mean taking a short break. So Mama Mia is sorta punishing me. She's angry.

Akira then glares at Syr who kept looking the other way.

Akira:*annoyed* So you just decided to dump it all on me

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Akira:*annoyed* So you just decided to dump it all on me.

Syr: I know, it's mean of me, but I know you can do it.

Syr then get back work.

Akira:*sighs* I swear Syr can be a pain in the butt sometimes.

Just then Ryuu Lion came over and helped Akira with the dishes.

Ryuu: This is way too much for you, please let me help.

Akira:*smiles* I would really appreciate that Ryuu.

While they were cleaning the dishes, Akira decided to ask Ryuu a question.

Akira: Tell me something Ryuu, we're you ever an adventurer?

Ryuu: Well I was once, why do you ask?

Akira: I was wondering, what should I do to make my adventures more enjoyable? Should I try and conquer the lower levels?

Ryuu: No, that's not gonna be enough, and to be honest with you. It would be better if you were to join up with multiple people who compensate for any of your weaknesses.

Akira: I see, thank you Ryuu.

Ryuu: No problem.


Right now was gearing up after having his level checked.

Hestia: So, is your training with Wallen-what-her-dealy this morning.

Akira: Yup, right on schedule. The loki Familia starts their expedition today.

Hestia: I see, all done huh.

Hestia then check Akira stats on the piece of paper.

Hestia:*thoughts* But still theses abilities...

Akira then walks over to Hestia and kisses her forehead.

Akira: Welp I'm gonna head out now, I'll see you later Hestia, I love you!

Hestia: Wait, just a minute. Your status.

Akira: We can go over it when we get back.

Hestia: Aki. Aki!

Hestia manages to catch up to Akira and grabs his arm.

Akira: Hm, is something the matter?

Hestia: Ah-

Hestia sighs and shakes her head.

Hestia: It's nothing, just please be careful alright.

Akira: I will.

Akira then walks down the stairs and pulls Hestia into a hug, which she returns. Akira once again subconsciously activates thought communication with Hestia.

Akira:*thoughts* I wish we could stay like this, holding you like this, takes all my trouble away. I'm grateful to be with you Hestia.

Hestia couldn't help squeal and blush.

Once they broke the hug, Akira lifts her chin and gives her a gentle kiss.

Once they broke the hug, Akira lifts her chin and gives her a gentle kiss

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Hestia smiles and so does Akira.

Akira: Sorry I really needed my good luck kiss before I headed out.

Hestia:*rolls her eyes playfully* Sure you do, now get going.

Akira:*smiles* Right!

Akira then leaves.

Hestia:*smiles* I swear I can't get enough of him.

Hestia then looks back at the paper and looks at the two new skills Akira had acquired.



Hestia: These skills, I've never heard of them...

To be continued...

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