Chapter 08

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3rd person pov

Akira: That monster is after you, Hestia. It'll be a matter of time when it find us.

Hestia: Then why don't we try something different? Something can help you beat that monster.

Akira looks at Hestia with a confused expression.

Hestia: First, let me update you're stats right here, right now. Once I done, you will need to hit that monster with everything you have!

Akira:*sighs* Alright then, let do this.

Hestia:*nods* But before that, I have something for you.

Akira: Is it in that cloth you've been walking around with?

Hestia: Yes and I can finally give it to you.

She unwraps the cloth revealing a nichirin sword.

She unwraps the cloth revealing a nichirin sword

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Akira: Wait, isn't that a nichirin sword?

Hestia: Yup, I was able to ask Hephaestus to make you the sword. 

Hestia handed Akira the sword and once he held it, the blade suddenly started charging colour.

Hestia handed Akira the sword and once he held it, the blade suddenly started charging colour

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Akira eyes widened in shock.

Akira:*thoughts* No way, isn't this Yoriichi sword?!

Akira continued to stare at the sword in shock, before he turned his attention to Hestia.

Hestia: With this weapon you'll be able to defeat that monster! So I ask you as your goddess, will you trust me?

Akira smiles 

Akira: Of course I do Hestia.

Somewhere else

Aiz was fighting a monster. It tries to slash her with it's claws, but Aiz dodges it and cut off it's claw, and then thrusts her sword into the monster causing it to turn to smoke. The people around her cheered for her. She then sheathes her sword.

Loki: That should be the last of them. Now Ganesha owes us.

Guard 01: The silverback is still out there. Witnesses say it chased a red haired adventurer down the Daedalus alley.

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