Chapter 19

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No one's pov

It was morning and Akira was outside the church wearing Salamander Wool with Hestia seeing him off.


Hestia: Hm, is something wrong Aki?

Akira then smirks and dashes towards Hestia, which catches her off guard, but then Akira disappears from Hestia sight, suddenly she feels something wrap around her waist.

Akira then smirks and dashes towards Hestia, which catches her off guard, but then Akira disappears from Hestia sight, suddenly she feels something wrap around her waist

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Hestia: Geez Aki, was that necessary?

Akira:*chuckles* Sorry Hestia, I just really wanted to hold you like this before I head off.

Hestia:*sighs* Man, you always manage to catch me off guard, especially last night when you reveal to me your actual level, which I'm still shocked by.

Akira chuckles

Akira then gazes at Hestia delicate cheek and lightly kisses which it, which surprised her.

Hestia:*surprised* Aki?

Akira: I want you to remember that I love you Hestia, now and for all eternity.

Hestia smiles

Hestia: And I for you.

They both gaze at each other eyes before leaning in for a kiss which lasted for a minute.

Akira: Well I better head off now.

Hestia: Mhm.

Akira went off to the dungeon and Hestia look at him with worried expression.


Hestia was her way to work at the Hephaestus workshop and during on her way there, she heard someone's voice and found out that it was coming from her friend, Lord Takemikazuchi who was speaking to his Familia.

Takemikazuchi: What's important is coming back safe! Okay?

Takemikazuchi familia: Yes sir.

Takemikazuchi: And Mikoto, even though you've leveled up, be sure to not let it get to you.

Mikoto: Got it!

The children then leaves while Hestia approaches Takemikazuchi.

Hestia: So those are the children of your familia, Take?

Takemikazuchi: Oh, Hestia.

Hestia: Are they heading to the middle floors?

Takemikazuchi: Yeah, isn't the red flame going down there as well?

Hestia: Yes that he is, he just starting today. He took off pretty early this morning.

Takemikazuchi: Well worry about it won't solve anything, all we can do is have faith in them.

Hestia: Yeah, I just he doesn't over it in there.

Suddenly, the two of them felt an earthquake and they looked confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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