Chapter 07

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3rd person pov

Meanwhile in the colosseum

Ganesha: A monster escaped? How?! What happened to the guards?

Guard 01: They appear to all have been charmed.

Guard 02: We suspect it was done by the same intruder.

Ganesha: Let's worry about the intruder later! How many monsters escaped?

Guard 01: Nine in total.

Guard 02: The slayers of the familia are already on their way.

Ganesha sits up from his throne.

Ganesha: We alone can not handle it fast enough. Cooperate with the other familia! Ask the gods presents here their assistance!

Guard 01: Wait sir! It was our own weakness that allowed the monster to escape.

Guard 02: If we asked for help from others, the Genesha name would be taint-

Ganesha: I am lord of the crowds, Genesha. We find joy in the smiles of children. Rank and pride matter not! The safety of the people is our top priority!

Guard 01 and 02: As you say sir!
Ganesha: To prevent panic, the festival must continue. Do not make too much of a ruckus! Now go!

Guard 01 and 02: Yes!

The guards run off, while Ganesha looks back at the Colosseum.

Ganesha: Wait is their intent?

We see the mysterious person on top of a roof with a smile of their face.

Ganesha: Distraction or panic. That or…

Back with Akira

The monster swings it’s chains at Akira, he dodges it and throws the monster into the fountain causing the fountain to shatter into pieces. The giant monster slowly gets up and looks at Akira.

Akira: Seems that work.

The monster roars and charges at Akira.

With Hestia

She falls to the ground and yelps. She sits up and turns the bags to her. She opens the bag and looks at the black nichirin sword.


Hephaestus: Now listen closely, Hestia.

Hephaestus: That sword generated a status that accompanies any hieroglyphs you happen to engrave into it. So what I’m saying is…the sword is alive.

Hestia: It’s alive?

Hephaestus: As soon as Akira Nishima receives this weapon, it will draw it’s first breathe and start growing along with him.

Flashback end

Hestia gets up and starts running for Akira.

Hestia: I’m coming Aki.


We can see Eina talking to a little boy.

Boy: Thank you!

Eina waves at him, then Misha comes over and whispers something to Eina. Her eyes widen and exclaims in shock.

Eina: is that true?!

Misha: Yes! I heard from a child of the Ganesha familia! A monster escaped from the west gate!

Eina puts a finger to Misha lips and whispers to her.

Eina: Keep your voice down! You don’t want to make everyone panic!

Misha: Sorry. Point is they want every adventurer, regardless of familia, to help.

Eina: But they don’t just happen-
They then heard somebody talking to them.

??: You two gossiping over there?

They look back and see Loki and Aiz back there. Aiz was pinching Loki’s hand causing her to squeal in pain.

Aiz: Did something happen?

Misha: The Sword Princess?

Eina: Aiz Wallenstein?!

With Akira

Akira dodged the chain and threw a dagger at the chain, but it bounces off the chain. Akira runs up the monster arm and kicks it in the head hard enough to cause the monster to roll a few meters away.

Akira:*thoughts* Damn no matter how many times I hit it, it won’t stay down.

Somewhere else

Aiz was seen cutting a monster in half, when the monster disappeared she sheathe her sword. Loki crouched down and picked up a magic stone.

Loki: Well done! That’s my Aiz for you!

Loki attempted to touch Aiz’s ass but failed miserably.

Aiz: how many escaped monsters are left?

Loki: Quit being so evasive!

Eina: All adventurers are asked for help, but there are still three or four monster out there probably.

Aiz nodded and ran off. Then Loki got up and started following Aiz.

Loki: Hey! Wait for me!

Misha: The Sword Princess is on a whole different level.

Eina: Yeah.

Eina looked at the sky and thought.

Eina:*thoughts* I hope you didn’t get caught in this mess.

Back with Akira

Akira was staring at the monster while his fist were up.

Akira: Come on ugly! Let’s finish this!

Just as he was going to rush the monster, he suddenly heard Hestia call out to him.

Hestia: Akira!

He turns his head in disbelief to look at Hestia’s direction.

Akira: Hestia?

She smiles at him.

Akira: What are you doing here?!

The monster sees her and starts charging her.

Akira: Grrr, damnit!

Akira uses total concentration dashes towards Hestia.She closes her eyes waiting for the impact. Before the monster could touch her, Akira manages to reaches her before the monster, but the speed he launched him, was enough to push him and Hestia to a stairway. He shield Hestia with his body before crashing through a wooden door, scaring a few people.

Akira: Are you alright Hestia?

She looks at him and smiles.

Hestia: Made it out in one piece.

Akira lifts himself and Hestia from the ground.

Akira: What was that back there?! What were you doing there?! I told you to escape? Why did you return?!

Hestia smiles at him.

Hestia: You’re such a hopeless child. How could I just leave you behind?

He was shocked for a moment.

Hestia: You want to protect me, you say. Well, I need to protect you just as much. Not to mention you did me promise me remember…


Hestia: Please don’t leave alone Aki.

Flashback ends

Akira snaps out of his thoughts.
Before he could respond, he saw the monster looking at them.

Akira:*thoughts* Damn, I thought we had a bit more time.

The monster started walking between building, smashing some houses in the process. He swiftly got up and picked up Hestia and carried her like a newly wed bride, causing her to blush.

Hestia: I’m sorry Akira, but I just wanted to let you know, you’re making me really happy!

Akira: What are you even talking about.

Akira:*thoughts* Trust me you’re not the only one whose happy here Hestia.

He ran as far as he could, but then stopped for a moment. He looked behind him and saw the monster exiting the tight alley. He then looked at the stone wall in front of him.

Akira: Thank the gods!

He kicks it and it opens. He walks in and closes it, he then placed Hestia down and heard the monster walking past them. When it was gone, he sighed in relief and then turned his attention towards Hestia.

To be continued…

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