Chapter 12

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3rd person pov

After the events on the 18th floor, Akira had ask miss Eina if she wanted to hang out with him, to which she had agreed. After the day had end Akira, was on his way home.

Akira: I didn't realize it had gotten so late.

As he was coming down the stairs, he had suddenly bumped into a petite young girl.

Akira:*concerned* Are you okay?

But then another voice spoke

??: Just where do you think your going, you stupid, pathetic, prude!!

The man runs towards the girl and was about to strike her with his sword, but it was blocked by Akira's sword.

The guy then withdrew his sword and put it away and so did Akira.

??: You got a problem? This mongrel a friend of yours?

Akira: No, she isn't. I never met her before.

??: Then why are you trying to help her?

Akira: Because it's the right thing to do.

The man looks at Akira dumbfounded, but then redraws his sword.

??: Well that's a dumb reason to die.

Ryuu: That's enough.

Both Akira and the man turn their head and see Ryuu.

Ryuu: Please attacking someone unarmed in the city limits. You art to be ashamed.

??: And you art to keep your fat mouth shut! Now beat it before I have to-

Akira then grabs him by the throat.

Akira: You best be careful what comes out of your mouth next, for it might just be your last.

Akira could tell the guy was scared for he knew that Akira was being serious.

Akira sighs and let go of him, which made him run away.

Akira: Thank you for stepping in Ryuu.

Ryuu: I probably didnt need to interfere seeing as you had the situation handle Mr Nishima.



Akira: Huh? Where she...go.

Akira knew she was close by since he could still sense her energy.

Akira: Guess she must've gotten scared and ran off.

Ryuu: Syr would be extremely upset if you got yourself hurt, but next time be more careful.

Akira: Got it.

Ryuu: Well goodnight Akira.

Akira:*smiles* Take care of yourself Ryuu.

The next day

Akira: Hestia I'm heading out now.

Hestia:*sleepy* Okay I'll see you later.

Akira then walks over to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Kaito: Enjoy your day. I love you so much.


Akira giggles and walked out of the church and heads towards the dungeon.

He made it to the front of the dungeon and noticed that there were alot of adventures heading to the dungeon as well.

Akira: A supporter huh?

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