Chapter 15

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3rd person pov

Ais had brought Akira to her familia home. They were surprised by this, and Finn asked Ais the reason for bringing him, to which she said that she wanted to spar with him. Finn was a bit surprised, but then allowed it.

Ais and Akira headed to the training grounds. Once they arrive they immediately got ready.

Finn: Okay, is everyone ready.

They nodded

Finn: Okay in 3...2...1 GO!

Ais then charges Akira and tries to attack him, but he dodges her attempt. She then tried to counter it with another, but it was dodged again.

This went on for about 5 minutes, which did irritate Ais, a bit. Just then Akira block her strike with his sheathe sword.

Akira: I must admit you are quite impressive.

Ais: If that is true then why not draw your sword?

Akira: Because you haven't proven to me that I need to, so until you do I will keep being on the defensive.

Ais grits her teeth and charges him.

Ais:*thoughts* There has to be a way I can gain the upper hand

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Ais:*thoughts* There has to be a way I can gain the upper hand.

Akira: Thinking of your next plan of attack hm?

Ais: I believe this will work. Tempest

A gust of wind surrounds her like a barrier, and manages to push Akira back.

Ais then charges him again and sends a barrage of slashes, but Akira easily blocks them

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Ais then charges him again and sends a barrage of slashes, but Akira easily blocks them.

Ais then charges him again and sends a barrage of slashes, but Akira easily blocks them

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