Chapter 14

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3rd person pov

It been 2 days since Akira saved Lili from the hoard of killer ants. And right now they are on their way to speak with goddess Hestia.

Akira: I have to say it pretty cool to know that you know transformation magic.

Lili: Pretty neat right? And as long as people dont find out about it. No one will be able to recognize me, so I just lay low for a few days, they'd assume I died back in the dungeon.

Akira: That is a good point, but are you positive that's okay.

Lili: Oh yeah, I'll be happy as long as you know it's me, cause I dont really have anyone else, but anyway, are you sure you're okay with me and everything.

Akira:*raises an eyebrow* What do you mean?

Lili: I tricked you and I took advantage of you. I mean after you treated me so nicely and everything master Aki. If you cant forgive me.

Akira:*sighs* There no need to bring all that up. Look Lili what you did was bad, but thankfully I already knew what you were planning ahead of time. I allowed myself to fall for your trap. The only thing I say is, that you will need to work to gain my trust back. Once I find your hard work good enough then I will decide on whether or not to forgive you.

Lili: I understand.

Akira:*thoughts* I wonder if Kotori will be there, cause boy if she is, Lili all I can say is, pray you survive her wrath.

After they made it home, Akira noticed that only goddess Hestia was waiting for them inside.

Hestia: Welcome home darling~

Akira couldn't help, but smile seeing his beloved goddess.

Akira:*smiles* Hello there my sunflower~

Akira: Anyway, I'm gonna go make some tea downstairs alright.

Once Akira head downstairs, Hestia focused her attention on Lili.

Hestia: Mind introducing yourself?

Lili: Ah, yes. I'm Liliruca Arde.

Hestia: Ah, so you're the one I've been hearing so much about. Akira filled me in on the entire story, but lets cut to chase, for you see there is something I want to ask you.

Lili looks up at Hestia.

Hestia: So tell me do you swear you will never pull a stupid stunt like that again ever again?

Lili: Yes, I swear. Master Aki, and you too, you have my undying allegiance, you see master Aki saved my life, so I wont betray him, no matter what happens.

Hestia: Okay. I'll take you at your word.

Lili: *sighs in relief*

Hestia then sit down.

Hestia: I'm gonna be honest with you. You should know, I dont like you one bit.

Lili: Huh?

Hestia: Well why would I? You tried to play Aki for a fool, and now you are in my house. You sure got a lot of nerve miss supporter, and what with that mope look you've had ever since you walk in. I bet you feel guilty because Aki risked his life to save yours. Is that it?

Hestia: Akira knows right from wrong and will stand by his own principals.*sighs* Well whatever...If Aki wont hold you responsible then I guess I'll have to.

Hestia then places her hands on her legs.

Hestia: I order you to look out for Aki.

Lili head then shoots up quickly.

Hestia: Make sure he doesnt get taken in by anymore swindlers like you, and listen up I am not doing this for your sake, but this whole ordeal has made one thing clear if no one is watch him, he's only gonna fall for something else, besides the only one who can rid of that guilt your feeling is you, no one else. You might say you have a change of heart but I want you to prove it with your actions. Can you do that?

Lili bows

Lili: Yes, I will Goddess.

Hestia: I'll allow to pair up with him, but you had better keep an eye out or else.

Akira: Tea's ready!

Hestia: One more thing, dont you dare get close to him or I swear I'll-

Lili sweatdrops

Akira: Sorry for the wait you two.

Just then Hestia grabs Akira arm which is pressed between her breasts, causing Akira to blush.

Akira:*blushing* H-Hestia?

Hestia: Lili and I were just having a little chat. Weren't we miss supporter? And she says she'll take really good care of you for me.


At the guild hall

Akira arrived at the guild to check in with Ms. Eina.

Akira: Wait, where is she?

Ms. Eina: Akira?

Akira: Uh may I ask why Ais is here?

Akira turns back towards Ais.

Ms. Eina: Uh lady Wallenstein would like to speak to you. 


Akira is currently sit across from where as Ais is sitting.

Ais: Recently you were attacked by several orcs, am I right?

Akira: Uh yeah. How did you know that?

Ais then shows a piece of Akira gear.

Ais: From this. I think you must've dropped it during the fight. So I uh picked it up.

Ais then hand the gear to Akira.

Akira: I see, so you're the one who saved me?

Ais then stands up.

Ais: I would like to apologize, if I hadn't let that Minator escape, you wouldn't have encountered it*bows*

Akira: There's no need to apologize.

Akira then sees Ais smile which made him smile as well.

After calming down they left the guild.

Ais: Seems you been working really hard.

Akira: Hm?

Ais: You got all the way to floor 18 in a very short time and all on your own. That's really great.

Akira: Oh no, you got the wrong idea, I just got down there base off luck.

Ais: By the way I have a question?

Akira: Um okay?

Ais: Well would you mind if we have a sparring match?

Akira: Uh okay.

To be continued...

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