Chapter 11

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3rd person pov

In the city Rivera, giant plant monsters are spawning all the place. Tiona and Tione was able to take one of them down.

Tione: Finally, a real enemy to test you out.

Tiona: Dont just stand being impressed, their still coming.

More plants starting appearing.

Tione: Oh man, this is not good.

Tiona: Forget about the attack at Monsterphila, where in the hell are these awful things coming from?

The sister then felt some coming from below them, so they jumped out the way for a another plant to spawn.

Riveria start casting her magic while Finn keeps one of the plants at bay.

Finn: Bors, gather up a team of fighters, while Riveria distracts them with magic. We would need to strike in numbers to win.

Bors: Uh right!

Finn then cuts the plant in half.

Finn then jumps up to higher ground.

Finn: There's too many of them, it has to be an ambush. Someone had to orchestrate this.

Back with Akira and Aiz

Lulune: What are they things? What are they doing here?

Akira: Why would something like that attack the town?

Ais: We should meet up with Finn and the others.

Akira: Agreed.

Just then a plant appears in front of Lulune and Akira, but he immediately counters it with his own attack.

Akira: Sun Breathing Second Form Clear Blue Sky

Akira: Sun Breathing Second Form Clear Blue Sky

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After taking down 3 more appeared.

Ais then runs towards them.

Ais: Akira go on ahead of me.

Akira: Fine, but I'm not letting you fight them alone.

Akira then summoned a clone and told the clone to help Ais out.

Akira then took Lulune hand and ran away, but stopped as a man in armor approached them. Akira immediately stood in front of Lulune protectively with his sword in hand.

Akira: Who are you!

The man didnt answer, he only continued walking toward them.

Akira: Stop right there!

The man still didnt reply, but then dashed toward Akira and tried to grab him, but he kicked the man away.

Lulune: Akira, are you okay?!

Akira: Yeah, don't worry.

Akira:*thoughts* She caught me off guard there.

Just then Ais came to our side.

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