Chapter 18

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3rd person pov

Akira and Lili were currently down in the dungeon.

Lili: Is something wrong master Akira?

Akira: I dont know, but for some reason something don't quite feel right. It's as if someone watching us.

Lili: No, but I get it though, this floor is totally giving me the creeps.

Akira: Yip, and there's no a single monster or adventure in sight.

Akira decided to continue forward.

Akira: Come on let's continue.

Lili: O-Okay.


Akira:*thoughts* It's close by.

Akira and Lili turned around and saw a big minotaur walked towards them.

Lili: Why is there a minotaur on floor 9, we should leave immediately master Aki. It's too dangerous with a longsword.

Lili however notice a serious expression on Akira face.

Lili: Master Aki.

Akira: Lili, I want you to get out of here.

Lili:*shocked* What?! But what about you master Aki?

Akira: I'll hold it off, it should give you enough time to escape.

Lili: Are you insane, you can't be serious?! You die if you take that thing head on.

Akira: If I don't then both of us will die, at least I can give you time to run away and get some back up.

Lili was hesitant at first, but then decided to heed his advice and decided to run away.

Lili: I'll bring back up!


Eventually the Loki Familia arrived and noticed Akira fighting the minotaur.

Tiona: Hey isn't he the guy who beat up Bete that one time.

Tione: Yeah I think it is.

They all saw Akira holding his own against the minotaur.

Akira: Guess I should get serious.

Suddenly Akira start to emit his aura which then covers his entire body, which eventually dissipates and revealed someone else.

Suddenly Akira start to emit his aura which then covers his entire body, which eventually dissipates and revealed someone else

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Ais: Is that...Akira?

Finn: Hmm...

Bete:*thoughts* What the hell...the aura his giving off is insane.

Tione: Woah, this pressure coming from him is incredible.

Tiona: I know right, I'm finding it difficult to stay up.

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