Chapter 10

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3rd person pov

After Tiona had showed Akira around, they decided to head on back to Finn and the others, but then they had noticed a group of people that was formed around the center of the city.

Akira: I wonder what that's about?

Adventure: I heard that there was a murder at the inn.

Hearing this made Akira narrow his eyes.

Akira:*thoughts* I see, so we're there now.

Tiona: Come on Aki, let's go check it out.

Akira: Right.

The two headed off to the inn and as they were heading towards it they had noticed that the rest of the Loki familia was standing outside of the inn. Once they arrived, Akira decided to ask what was happening.

Finn: It seems that an adventurer was found dead in one of the rooms and it appears that his face was taken as well.

Akira: Hearing it back on my laptop wasn't as bad as hearing it in person.

Akira: So what's going to happen now?

Finn: We're plan on tracking the killer down.

Akira: I see, but how exactly?

Bors: We're going to go do a full body inspection of the girl's chest!

Akira looks behind him to who was yelling, but he then turns attention to Finn to confirm if what had just heard was true, to which Finn nods his head, which resulted in Akira gaining a deadpan expression.


Right now everyone in the city of Rivera had gather around the Loki familia to search for the killer. While they were busy, Akira takes note of someone leaving the scene, which made it suspicious. Akira looks back at the Loki familia and notices that Ais had caught on to what he was doing, this had resulted to them chasing after the suspect.

Scene change

As the suspect continued to run she looked and noticed Akira running behind her.

??:*thoughts* Huh where the other one go?

Ais then drops down in front of the suspect causing her to stop in her tracks, once she stopped, her legs gave out causing her to drop to the ground, in fear.

Akira: Good work there Ais. We manage to catch her.

Ais: What do u think we should do?

Akira: I suggest we leave the interrogation to Finn, rather than the two of us.

Ais: Agreed, let's go.

The suspect then grabs onto Akira scared.

??: No please, I beg of you. I cant go back there, if I go back there it will be me who'll be found dead. Please.

The girl start crying while clinging to Akira.


After calming the girl down Ais and Akira found a place to sit down and talk to the girl.

Lulu: My name is Lulune. It Lulune Louie, from the Hermes Familia.

Akira: Mind telling us as to why you decided to run away?

Lulu: Because I thought, I die.

Akira: Really, who would kill you?

Lulu tightens her grip around her bag, which Akira and Ais took note of.

Ais: But any chance, do you have any of his possessions?

Lulune gasp in shock.

Akira: Calm yourself, we just need to know if what your holding belong to man that was murdered.

Lulune nods.

Lulune: Yes.

Akira: Mind telling us where you got them.

Lulune: Well I was given a quest. All I had to do was go to a tavern and pick up a package.

Akira: And the one who gave you the package was the man who was murdered, wasnt it?

Lulune: Yes, so when I heard that a man in full plate armor had been killed, I got so scared.

Ais: Who was the client that hired you, tell us.

Lulune: I'm not sure. I promise it true! I was just walking down the street the other night and this weird person in the robe appeared out of nowhere.

Akira:*thought* She referring to Felis.

Lulune: I thought he seemed a little fishy, but you see the reward was so good that I...

Lulune holds her ears in distress.

Lulune: I wish I never accepted that dumb question, if that man was really murdered because of this awful package then...

Ais then hold out her hand.

Ais: Then we can take it for you.

Lulune looks at Ais in surprised.

Akira stops her.

Akira: Hold up a minute Ais, I dont think you should touch it. I'm not sure why but whatever is in that satchel, it doesnt feel good nor evil, so it best if I hold onto it.

Ais looks at Akira, but decided to trust him.

Ais: Very well then.

Akira smiles

Akira:*smiles* Thanks for trusting me Ais.

Unknown to them a unknown person was watching the 3 from a distance and whistle into the leaf.

Akira: Come on let's head on back to Finn and the others and tell them what we discovered.

Ais and Lulune nodded.

Sudden a noise is heard in the distance. The three try to get a closer look and see planet like monster in the distance.

Akira: Woah, what is that?

To be continued...

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