Chapter 06

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3rd person pov

We see Akira walking down the streets when he is suddenly approached.

??: Oh, it's you Akira.

Akira: Greeting, lord Miach. Did you go to the Banquet of the Gods?

Miach: Afraid not. I was invited, but since my familia is so small, I've been busy preparing my goods.

He then reaches into his pocket and pulled out two glass bottles with a blue liquid inside them.

Miach: Anyway here these are for you.

Akira: I see, Lord Miach.

Miach: Consider it a small token of my many thanks and an open door to keep doing business with my familia.

Akira than accepts the vitals. Once he does Lord Miach pats him on the shoulder.

Miach: You take care Akira.

Lord Miach then walks away.


Akira walking through the streets with a sad expression.

Akira:*sighs* I hope Hestia comes home today.

Akira then hears somebody calling him. He turns around and sees that it was Anya.

Anya: Hey! Aki! Wait up! I need a favor!

Akira: Uh okay, what do you need?

She hands him a purple wallet.

Anya: Anyway, could you take this to that silly Syr person nya?

Akira wasn't able to understand what she said.

Akira: Uh, sorry Anya, but I don't understand what you are trying to say.

Just then Ryuu appeared.

Ryuu: You should really work on your communication skills Anya, I think your confusing Mr Nishima.

Akira:*deadpan* Really Ryuu we've worked together and you still won't call me by my first name, even when I told you to.

Ryuu blushes and looks away.

Akira:*thoughts* Wait, is she blushing? Wait, wait, wait, does she like me?!

Anya: Aw come on Ryuu, I just told him to take this purse to Syr nya, because she scurred off to monster Felia so fast that she totally forgot it nya, what's nyt to understand.

Akira: Oh, now I understand.

Ryuu: Syr took the day off, so she'll be able to see the festival. In fact she was so excited about going, I doubt she's even noticed she doesn't have it yet. Anyway we'd really appreciate it.

Anya: Yip, uh huh nya.

Akira:*smiles* Okay, you can leave it to me.

As Akira was about to head off, he felt something pull his sleeve, when he looked back, he saw Anya and Ryuu standing in the same spot, which made Akira confused.

Akira: Um was there something else you needed?

Anya bows her head a bit, which made Akira understand what she was asking for. He then started patting her head.

Anya: Nya.

Once he stopped he then patted Ryuu on the head which made her blush which then made him poke her forehead.

Akira:*smiles* Till next time Ryuu.

Ryuu pouts for a bit, before releasing a smile and nods as Akira continued off into the city street.

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