Chapter 10.

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Lydia Quinn.•*

Its been four days since I last saw Grey.

I haven't left the house at all. Finals are stressing me so hard that I can't seem to get out of the house.

I woke up a hour ago, and made my bed, ate breakfast and I sat in my chair and took out all my notes and start studying.

Its not healthy at all that I'm studying for so long, but as a person I can't go well with the thought of my grades not being really good.

I close the books and my notes, as I'm extremely exhausted and look at time. Its seven in the afternoon. I started studying at one in the evening so, i'll just get rest now.

I close the light from my bedroom, and go to the bathroom to take a shower.

I'm all dressed up, and I go to my kitchen, I decide to make some fries and chicken nuggets, along with salad. I put the fries and the nuggets in the oven and take out a plate to put them in once they're done.

As I'm waiting for them to be ready and cooked, I start thinking, what could possibly had happened if Andrew didn't step in?

Grey was looking me directly in my eyes, and I felt like I was the most rare and beautiful thing in the whole world.

I could hear his breathing becoming a little bit heavier at each second, but at the moment I didn't play much attention on it. I was too devoured by his eyes. They way he has those beautiful dark brown eyes, that can be confused with black. But his eyes have also an inch of green deep inside, you have to look really closely to see it.

His eyes were easily the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He was easily the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. His black hair and the way its falling a little bit in front of his eyes, because he has a lot of hair, his beautiful smile, his soft personality, his tattoos that tell a story that only he knows about. And that mysterious vibe he has around him, where you want to get to know him. Everything seems perfect to me when it comes to him.

I look over at the food, and they're ready, I put them on the plate and I start making my salad as well. I start eating as I'm watching a video on youtube.

I'm done with eating, and I take all the dishes to the sink. I drink a glass of water, and I go the living room and sit there.

The movie I putted two hours ago, finished, and I see at my phone and its already twelve. How the hell did it already go twelve?

I close the Tv, and just as I was about to close the lights I hear a knock at my door. What the hell?

Who could be at this time. I slowly go to the door and I open the door quickly as I see from the window who it is. "Grey?" I ask, as I see him down on the floor outside my door, with his eyes almost closed as he's resting his head on the wall. I bend down at his height.

"Mhm?" He says, his eyes still closed. And I understand he's completely drunk. He turns and faces me, and his eyes open up slowly. "What did you drink, Grey?" I ask him, my face and my voice full of worry. He just shakes his head, like a kid, and doesn't answer. I sigh and I put his hand around my neck and I get him up.

As I'm closing the door with my foot he turns and looks at me with a drunk smile on his face. "Oh hi," He says softly. I just smile. "Hi."

"You're so beautiful." He says, analysing my face and he taps my nose lightly with his finger and I just continue smiling. "Have anyone told you that before?" He asks, his voice with concern. "Yeah, you." I reply. He immediately smiles more. "I missed you." He says, looking at me sadly. "Its been only four days." I say, "Yeah. Too much." He replies.

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