Chapter 11

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On Friday, they went to the cinema. Nina chose a romantic comedy. They had a lot of fun that afternoon. The movie was good and filled the silence between them since they didn't know what to talk about.

The weekend passed by in the blink of an eye. The shop was full both days because there were iced-coffee specials. For that reason, they couldn't talk much, but Charles was smart enough to go by car; he could take Nina home and spend some time alone together that way.

The next week they didn't see each other until Saturday because Nina wasn't feeling well when Charles called her asking if she wanted to play bowling.

"Maybe next week", said Nina.

"Did you get sick?", asked Charles.

"No, it's nothing. I'm just not feeling great".

"Mm... I see... Take some rest then. See you at work".

"See you", she replied.

It was Tuesday and Nina was in the shopping center with Lara. It was going to be her mother's birthday so Nina had been looking for a present, but nothing convinced her. They were in the last store; she was about to lose hope when something caught her eye.

"Oh, this is nice", said Nina taking a bluish blouse.

"I like it!" Lara nodded enthusiastically. She liked to go shopping even if it was not for herself.

"I'll take it then". They walked towards the register counter.

"Nina, I'd like to ask you for advice", said Lara, surprisingly troubled when they were leaving.

"What is it?", asked Nina worriedly. Lara worrying about something was not usual.

"Ian wants to go to Stanford", she said with watery eyes. They were in a small café near the entrance of the mall.

"What? I thought he was going to NYU with you".

"I thought the same!".

"But what did he say?"

"He told me that he has been thinking about it for a few months already. But he also said that if I didn't want him to go, he'd stick to NYU so we can go together". Nina sighed. She loved Ian, but she didn't like that about him; every decision was thrown to Lara.

"Then, don't you dare to think of anything else than studying. Burn your eyelashes studying. They also teach Statistics at Stanford, you can apply there and go with Ian".

"But Nina, I don't think I can make it to Stanford. It's way out of my league".

"Put your heart in it! And let's be honest. You just study when you're about to fail at something. You can do it!", Nina encouraged her.


"Eh!" She stopped her friend. She was going to say she was not going to make it for sure.

"You're right. I've been too lazy", she sobbed. "I'll do my best but... my grades are already not very good".

"What about applying to another university in L.A as plan B?"

"Another one?" I nodded.

"At least you'd be in the same city... or state".

"You're too smart. That's why I asked you. Thank you!", Lara hugged her.

They sat there for a while, Lara was overwhelmed. Stanford University was a big goal in her current situation. She didn't want to be away from Ian again, though. If she couldn't make it to any University there, Ian would be on the other end of the country. And she didn't dare to ask him to stay because of her.

That same night, Lara called Ian and told him her intentions. Ian was a bit worried about the outcome, but they would never know if they didn't try.

Charles and Nina met on Thursday. They went to play tennis. And yes, Charles knew how to play but he was no match for Nina. She smashed it!

"I'm so tired after winning so many times", Nina sighed while sitting on a near bench. She gave a playful look to Charles.

"It's because I haven't played in a while. Otherwise, I'd have won", he frowned.

"Oh, Charles... Are you a bad loser? ", laughed Nina. "I've learned something new about you today". Nina was smiling at him but Charles had his eyebrows knitted. "Oh, c'mon! Don't be a child!". She gave him a peck on his cheek. He turned surprised.

"I don't mind losing a few more times". He lifted an eyebrow. Nina laughed again slightly blushing.

"Let's eat something, I'm getting hungry". Nina stood up and went to the changing room.

"What do you wanna eat?", asked Charles getting in the car.

"Mm... hamburgers? Let's go to Wahlburgers. It's not too far from here". He nodded.

Charles drove to the restaurant and parked just a block away from it. They got off the car and Charles went to Nina's side quickly.

"Do you like Wahlburgers?", he asked taking Nina's hand.

"I...", she looked at their hands from the corner of her eye. "I like the bread they use. It was close too so...", she shrugged.

They walked in silence to the restaurant, lost in their thoughts. They sat at the first table they saw and ordered their food.

"What are you doing?", asked Charles when saw Nina partially disarming her burger.

"I forgot to ask the waiter to take off the pickles", she said.

"Do you not like them?". She shook her head.

"You can have them", she placed the pickles on Charles's plate. "It looks like green slugs". She stared at it with disgust.

"Oh, God!", Charles started to laugh. "Your imagination is on another level. No wonder why we lost at Pictionary". She smiled embarrassedly.

"Eat the slugs. I'm eating my burger now". She placed the top bread in it and took a bite.

"It quite resembles slugs though". He was staring at his plate.

"I'm telling you, looks like slugs". Charles looked at it a bit longer and finally started to remove the pickles from his plate too.

"Look at what you make me do". Nina chuckled.

Charles and Nina finished eating but didn't want to leave yet, so they ordered some drinks. Charles was drinking coffee while Nina was drinking tea.

"Hey, would you like to go to the beach on Monday?", asked Charles.

"Sure! I've been wanting to go since last week", said she excitedly.

"Glad I asked then".

"Where do you usually go?".

"Wingaersheek. But we can go somewhere nearer if you want".

"Let's go to Carson Beach, so we'll have more time to enjoy it. I have to be at home for dinner".

"Oh, do you have a curfew or something?"

"Not really, but it's like an unspoken rule. My mother is working most of the time so we spend dinner together".

"What about your father?"

"I don't know him", she said naturally.

"Oh, sorry if I touched a sensible topic". He said a bit nervous.

"Don't make that face. I don't care at all; it's not taboo or something like that", said Nina with a soft smile. He relaxed instantly.

They continued talking for half an hour before leaving. When they did, they left hand in hand. Charles drove to Nina's house.

"Thank you. I could have taken the bus". She said taking her jacket from the back seat.

"It's just a little detour. See you this Saturday".

"Get home safe". Nina pecked his cheek and ran home.

Charles stayed there with a silly smile on his face for a few minutes. He saw Nina getting inside the house and some lights turned on seconds later. He started the car and went home.

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