Chapter 34

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The next morning, Charles and Nina got up after a long cuddling session and went downstairs for breakfast. It was around midday. Matthew made them hangover soup and omelets. It was a nice detail considering that it was raining heavily, too heavily for mid-fall.

They were talking in the kitchen with the cook while he prepared things for lunch when Charles' parents came in. Charles' mother really looked like a madam, she walked gracefully and her manners resembled old British movies. His father had deep eyes just like Charles, but you could see the smile in them. He was a refined and handsome man. Nina could see their reflections in Charles. The height, back, and face of his father and the hair and smile of his mother.They were talking about something with the housekeeper but when his mother saw the two of them in the kitchen she quickly dismissed her and turned her attention to the young couple.Charles introduced his parents to Nina and they sat with them for a cup of coffee. Charles' mother was just as his boyfriend pictured her, an older Emily. She asked about school, her plans for college, and her family. The whole thing was going ok until his mother asked about her parents, the atmosphere got awkward then."So... an illegitimate child", murmured the woman. Her look was stern."Sweety...", called her husband who heard her."But Robert-", she was going to say something but he cut her off."Michelle, it's enough", said he. Nina was staring at them dead worried. "Well, we have business to attend before lunch. It was really nice to meet you, dear". He gave an affable smile to the girl."My pleasure", she replied."Charles, will you be here for dinner? Your aunt and cousin are coming over". He turned to his son."Yeah, sure", he nodded. They excused themselves and left the room. Charles turned to Nina who was biting her lip with an indecipherable look on her face."Your mother doesn't like me", she sighed after a long minute."What? No! She's just... She's old-fashioned. Don't mind her, she'll forget about that when she gets to know you", he said reassuringly."Well, it wouldn't be the first time", she sighed again. "There were people who looked down on me at school for that same reason. It is not that bad to not have a father, is it?", she asked."I don't think so. I think it's insane to think of a family like that but our circle is that way. The traditional family is the rule", he shrugged. "C'mon, you wanted to play Mario Kart, didn't you?", he said after a pause lacing their hands."Yeah, I'll kick your ass this time". A faint smile spread on her face.They were playing when Charles's phone rang. He paused the game and picked it up. It was Matt."Dude, I was going to call you later", said Charles."Hey, are you busy right now?", asked Matt."A bit, I'm with Nina"."Oh, good. About last night...", he paused. "I fought with Jenna the other day and I wasn't thinking straight". His friend explained."But man, you don't cheat on your girlfriend because you fought"."I know but...", he sighed and paused again. "I was going to talk to her but she just called yelling at me for cheating on her. Did Nina say something to her?""What? I don't know, I don't think so", he looked at Nina who was braiding her hair."I know I screw it up but man, someone told her and now this is bad. She broke up with me without letting me explain anything. And the only one who knows her better is Nina, I don't think that Christian or Rebecca had said anything". Charles thought about it a minute."Yeah, I think you're right. I'll talk to her and see if we can fix it"."Thanks, man"."Call you back later", he said and hung up. "Nina", he called her."Hm?", she hummed finishing her braid."Why did you tell Jenna about Matt and that chick?", he asked a bit annoyed."What?", she turned to him with a confused look."The chick from last night. Why did you tell Jenna about that?""I haven't"."How would she know about that then? You're her friend, I get it but Matt was going to talk to her and he's screwed now"."Wait, Charles, I haven't talked to Jenna". She knitted her eyebrows."Are you sure?", he insisted."I don't have that kind of relationship with her. She's Lara's friend and I hung out with her but I don't have the intimacy nor the confidence to tell her something like that. Even if I wanted to, I would talk to you first so you can talk with Matt first"."How did she find out then?". Nina started to feel frustrated."God, I don't know Charles. Do you want to check my phone?", she exclaimed. "I wasn't the only one at that party, was I? You don't trust me?", she asked with an exasperated look. Charles held her gaze for a moment and sighed heavily."I'm sorry, it's not like that", he passed his hand through his hair. "It's just a bit weird that Jenna knows about that right after"."I lie for you, Charles; not to you". He hurt her feelings."Sorry babe, I got carried away", he reached for her hand. "Matt is one of my best friends and I know he loves Jenna, try to understand. Don't get mad at me", he pulled her into his arms."You try to understand too. It's kinda stupid but I feel bad if you question me like that", she hugged him."I'm sorry". Charles kissed her forehead."You owe me an ice cream", pouted Nina. Charles smiled at her and nodded.

On Monday, when Nina was getting to school, Lara was waiting for her outside the building. She had important news to tell! Lara grabbed Nina by the arm and dashed to the school's backyard."Can't you wait until break?", asked Nina looking at her wristwatch. "Classes start in five minutes"."I can't!", she pulled her closer. "Adela was taken by the cops on Friday", she whispered."What?", Nina exclaimed."She came very drunk to the party. In the middle of it, she went outside and a teacher saw her with the same guy we saw in Roxbury the other night"."How do you know it was the same guy?""Because I was outside at that moment, I received a call from Jenna. But the thing doesn't end there. The teacher was Mrs. Foster, you know how she is". Nina nodded. "So she kept an eye on Adela and found her injecting herself heroin in the girl's bathroom"."Oh my God", she gapped."It was a scandal! And I didn't say anything to you before but I hired a detective the other day after we went to Roxbury",Nina was looking and hearing her with attention. "It seems that she had been into that for quite a long time. She went to rehab this summer, that's why she started classes late this semester"."So... So what we talked about the other day... is it true? She has been buying drugs with the money I gave her?". Lara nodded and Nina's face turned pale. She was stunned for a moment."But don't worry, you can't be blamed for anything", she stroked her friend's hand."Even if can't be blamed, I don't want to be involved in that at any level". The bell rang announcing the start of their classes."Let's see what happens. Almost the whole school knows about it at this rate so I assume she will be more careful. She might leave school too!".The girls headed to their classrooms. But Nina couldn't care less about her physics class. She was immersed in her thoughts about Adela and how to step back from there. Even if she wasn't, she felt that she had some responsibility whatsoever.Adela didn't show up the entire week and when she came back, she kept a low profile. She felt embarrassed about being exposed that way, and she was angry too because of her own carelessness.A couple of weeks passed by and Adela was still in everyone's mouths, she couldn't stand it anymore. She contacted Nina again.

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