Chapter 27

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The next day, when Nina was about to leave, her mother said she was going to drive her to Lara's house. Nina tried to convince her that it was not necessary but she couldn't. So she sent a text to Lara saying she was going to her house.

"I can't believe it", Lara was laughing.

"Don't laugh", complained Nina.

"Bye Mrs. Campbell!", said Lara waving at her friend's mother.

"Bye girls, have fun at the mall", she said goodbye from inside the car and left.

"Did you call Charles?", asked Lara going inside the house.

"I texted him telling him I'm going to be late. Is she out of sight?" Lara was peeking outside by the window.

"I think so. Let's wait a few minutes just in case". Nina nodded.

"Sorry for coming like this. It was not in the plan".

"Don't worry. My parents are in the living room, do you want to greet them?"


The girls went to the living room; Lara's parents were reading the newspaper and talking about some news on it. Nina greeted them and they talked for a few minutes. They invited Nina to stay for lunch but Lara told them that she was there just to pick something up.

"Do you want me to drive you to Charles' house?", asked Lara.

"Would you?"

"Of course, let me get the keys".

Lara went to pick up the car's key and told her parents she was going out a bit. Lara drove their way to Beacon Hill. It was the first time that Nina was in that neighborhood but everyone knew it was one of the most, if not the most, luxurious neighborhoods in Boston. She was amazed while they passed by the huge and gorgeous houses.

Lara turned in Mt. Vermont Street and stopped the car a few houses away from Louisburg Square.

"We're here", said Lara. Nina looked outside the window and then at Lara.

"For real?", she exclaimed.

"For real", she nodded.

Nina felt she was in front of a celebrity house, even though she was used to going to Lara's house which was already big. When Lara said that Charles was in another league, she wasn't lying.

"Are you going to stay there in awe for too long?", asked Lara laughing at her friend.

"Sorry, thanks for driving me here". Nina snapped out and unblocked her seatbelt.

"See you on Monday. Don't get caught by your mom".

"I won't. See you". Nina got off the car and went to ring the bell on the porch.

"I'll go, I will go!", she heard Charles shouting. The door opened and Nina saw an old woman dressed in blue.

"I said I was coming", Charles appeared from behind. "Nina, you're here!". Charles took her hand and pecked her cheek.

"Hi, sorry for being late", she smiled. "Good afternoon", she greeted the old woman.

"Good afternoon Miss", she replied politely. "May I tell Matthew that your guest is here?", she asked Charles.

"Yeah, please. We'll be there in five minutes". The woman nodded and left.

"Come in". Charles pulled Nina into the house closing the door behind them. "Did your mother suspect something yesterday?"

"No", she shook her head. "But she insisted on driving me to Lara's house. So I had to make a little detour", she explained.

"Well, we haven't been caught and the important thing is that you're here now". He kissed her tenderly.

"Who was her?", Nina asked about the woman who received her.

"Oh, she's Nona. She's our housekeeper". Nina was shocked for a moment, but if they had a cook, they would probably have a housekeeper too.

"I see", she paused and then asked. "Did you cook or you asked Matthew to do it?"

"I'm sure you want edible food, he cooked". Both chuckled. "Let's go".

Charles guided her through the different rooms until they got to the kitchen. It was big, clean, and bright. A man in his fifties was moving efficiently behind the counter. The table was set with their drinks and cutlery already too.

"Matthew, is it ready?", asked Charles sitting at the daily dining table in a corner of the kitchen.

"It is, just a minute". Nina saw him serving the food and went to place them quickly in front of them.

"Hope you like it", said the man smiling at Nina.

"Thank you", she said smiling back. Matthew left.

"Do your parents know I'm here?", asked Nina.

"Mm... my dad does know. I asked him not to tell Mom. She's like an older and worse version of Em so I can't assure you'll be ok with her".

"Really? I don't mind being interrogated by your family though. I just need to know that I'm meeting them in advance so I can be mentally prepared".

"Well, you'll come to know them sooner or later. So, won't you decline if I introduced my parents to you?", he lifted an eyebrow.

"No, I wouldn't", she shook her head. "I'd be dead nervous but I'd do it".

"Why? They're just my parents".

"But if they don't like me I wouldn't be able to come and see you. I have enough hiding you from my mother already".

"Well, yeah, you're right. And if I have to be honest, being found out by your mother scares me a bit. What if she sues me?"

"She won't sue you", laughed Nina. "Why would she?", Charles shrugged. "I'm in consent age, don't worry. And even if she's kinda crazy, she's not that crazy".

"Cool then".

"Did you finish studying for your exam?", asked Nina.

"Of course, I studied all night. I'll get a four and you'll have to hear me brag about it a whole week", he flashed a smile. Nina laughed at it.

"But you know... You said that you're not the kind of person that needs to study a lot so, why have you been studying all week with me?", she asked quite puzzled.

"That way I can spend more time with you". Charles winked at her with a naughty smile on his face.

"You're so cliché", said she rolling her eyes.

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