Chapter 37

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On Christmas Eve, Nina and her mother had dinner together but they didn't talk much. Their relationship was improving after everything that happened but it was still far from what it was.Charles sent her a photo with Emily and his niece. He was in New York to spend the holidays with his family. Nina was already in bed when Charles called her."What are you doing?", he asked over the phone."Nothing, just missing you", both chuckled a bit embarrassed."I'll be back in a few days", he said trying to comfort her."I know. And then we'll spend New Year together", a big smile grew on her face."I'll kidnap you if it's necessary". Nina could see his face, but she knew he was smiling too. "So... are you going over to Jacky's house tomorrow?""Uh-uh. You are already over it, do you?""Yeah, don't worry. It was stupid to doubt my best friend anyway"."Glad you are aware of it". He sighed. "How is Lucy?""I didn't know babies grew so fast. I just hope she's more like Tom, I'll die if she's a mini Em". Nina laughed."Your sister is not that bad"."You say that because you only talk on Instagram. She's the real deal". Nina couldn't stop laughing."Hey, it's almost midnight". Nina watched the screen of her phone, it was 11.58 pm."Put a ribbon on your head and send yourself back to Boston by email", she chuckled."I was thinking of dressing like Santa"."You'd be the sexiest Santa". Her cheeks heated at her own words."Hm... sounds like you really miss me", said Charles mischievously."Stop it", said Nina nervously."Babe". She hummed. "Happy birthday"."Thank you. Make sure to give me my bear hug when you get here"."I'll try to not forget about it", he joked and Nina frowned following his game. "You should go to sleep now"."Can't we talk a little more?""I have to get up early tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow night, ok?""Ok". She sighed."Have fun tomorrow"."You too. Good night", she sent him a kiss."Good night babe".The next day, Nina had lunch with her mother and Daniel. She wasn't sure how to feel about him but he wasn't pushy in any way so she just let him be. The thing that annoyed her was her own mother trying to convince her to acknowledge him as her father. She just tried to ignore her as much as she could. After lunch, Nina went to Lara's house. Her friend received her excitedly."Happy birthday!", she exclaimed hugging her."Merry Christmas", replied Nina smiling at her best."Merry Christmas too", she laughed softly. "How was lunch?""Weird. I can't get to understand my mother", she frowned."Well, it's a matter of time"."Are your parents at home?", she asked trying to change the topic."No, they went to visit some friends. They might be back for dinner. Let's go to my room; Jacky is upstairs too". Nina nodded and followed Lara."Jacky, it's me". She knocked at his door."Hey, the birthday girl! I thought you were coming later". He stepped out of his room closing the door quickly. "Happy birthday, Nina", he gave her a quick hug."Thank you. I was bored, so I came earlier. Merry Christmas". She extended her arm giving him a Christmas present."Thank you! You shouldn't have to", he took the package. "I have something for you too, give a sec". He went back to his bedroom and came back."Why do you keep the door shut? Do you have someone in there?". Nina tried to peek above his shoulder but she couldn't."It's a bit messy. Take it". He gave her a pink paper bag."Thank you". She smiled."Ian's here!". Lara ran out of her room and speeded to the front door."God, she saw him two days ago", complained Jacky while he shook his head. But there was a smile on his face."I thought she was dramatic too, but I kinda understand her now". Nina chuckled."Hi guys!", greeted Ian walking towards them."Hi", they replied.Ian went to greet Nina for her birthday and then the three of them headed to the kitchen for hot chocolate and marshmallows. They sat next to the fireplace in the living room and spent some time talking about their SATs and their essays.Ian and Nina were confident about their choices and applications but it still was a sensitive subject for Lara. She knew her grades weren't good so she put all her hopes into the essay. Her friends tried to comfort her the best way they could."I think I need more chocolate", said Lara looking at her empty mug."Me too!". That was Ian."That makes three then", smiled Nina. They headed to the kitchen again."Lara, can you come?", shouted Jacky."What does he want now?". Lara grumbled while walking out of the kitchen. "Ian, can you come and help Jacky with something?", shouted Lara after a few minutes.Ian and Nina looked at each other puzzled. He shrugged and walked out too. Nina stood there making their hot chocolates while they came back. She was putting the marshmallows into the mugs when two arms surrounded her body; she jumped around startled.
"Charles!", she exclaimed. "Oh my God! What are you doing here?""You said to send me myself via mail". He was wearing one of those bright smiles of him. There was a ribbon on the top of his head."I can't believe it". Nina hugged him like if she was checking if he was really there. "But it's Christmas", she said looking up at his face."And I want to be with my girlfriend on Christmas. Besides, it's her birthday too". He kissed her softly."Thank you", she smiled. "It's the best birthday gift ever"."Oh, no. I haven't given you your gift yet". He said with a broad grin and leaned to kiss her deeply."Uh-uh". Jacky, Lara and Nina stepped in the room a few minutes after. Jacky made some noise to let them know that they were there. "Do you need a room?", he asked jokingly. Lara and Ian were standing next to him holding their laugh."Shut up", said Nina chuckling and wrapping herself around Charles."But actually-""Shh!", Nina cut off Charles knowing what he was going to say by the smile in his eyes.All of them sat at the kitchen table and drank hot chocolate together. Jacky was hiding Charles in his room the moment Nina arrived, that's why he shut the door every time. Nina really thought he had a girl inside. Lara knew this all along and plot with them to surprise her friend.After some time, they decided to watch a movie so they moved to the home theater."Hey, my mother is going to Las Vegas in New Year", whispered Nina.
"I'll stay". She smiled at him."Really?""I said I'm coming over for Lara's party"."So, are we going to the Royale?""Yes", she nodded excitedly. It was going to be her first time in a club and in New Year's Eve! With her boyfriend!Nina and Charles had dinner at his house. He cooked for her for the first time. He made steak stew with roasted potatoes; it was impressive since he barely could make pancakes and spaghetti. Later on, he confessed that Matthew had been teaching him how to do it the last few weeks.He had to go back to New York the next day so they enjoyed every single minute they had."I wish you could stay with me", said he hugging her inside the car."I'll tell my mom about you when I finish high school. I promise. The rule was no boyfriend until college, so she can't complain then, right?". Nina pecked his lips."If not, I'll have to kidnap you. Just say it and I will"."I like that plan B. I have to go now, let's keep out of trouble for time being"."See you tomorrow then". He pecked her back."Yeah, see you". She kissed him one more time and got off the car.The next day will be six months since they started going out so they were going to go on a date to celebrate before Charles had to drive his way back to NY. Nina didn't remember the date of their first date but Charles was the type of person who writes everything on his phone's calendar so it was easy to check."This looks so good!", she exclaimed."Just wait a bit, it tastes even better". They were at a Korean barbecue in Beacon Hill."Did you bring BTS too?" He rolled his eyes at the mention of the band."Maybe at our first year anniversary". He said mockingly."Oh... you think we'll make it till then. I'll wait for it", Nina chuckled."What? Are you planning to break up with me?" He asked surprised."No, but you never know", she shrugged."I know I won't break up with you", he said lovingly. Nina leaned over the table with a smile creeping on her face and gave him a sweet kiss. "I like when you take the lead, did you know?". He put on a flirt smile."You are really something else", she laughed blushed sitting again.

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