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As you looked down at the eyeball, you heard chattering and clacking of teeth right behind you.

You quickly turn and your face turns into a horrified expression as you see a grey, boney demon feasting on a limbless body.

How did you not notice it? You walked past it and couldn't hear it or see it?

You grabbed your sword, took it out of its sheath, and readied your sword as you began muttering.

"Tiger Breathing, First Form, Burning Bite..."

You ran to the demon and brought your sword down and..!



You coughed as you winced in pain. The demon moved fast, faster than what you were used to, and he used that to kick you against a wall, taking you by surprise.

You could taste the copper taste of blood in your mouth.

'Damn... I didn't think I was that weak..'

As it turned back to face you, you noticed that he had a teenage appearance, perhaps 13-14? But he had no eyes and no hands, only empty eye sockets and arms with no hands.

You grimaced, imagining the horrible things this boy probably went through.

While you recovered, Genya took action and shot his legs, sending the demon's body straight to the ground.

"No no no no, not again, not this..! Shit!" he muttered as he crawled towards the limbless body, picking up the hand and eating it.

"Quick! Get his head, Y/N!" Genya yelled from afar.

You couldn't spend any more time thinking as you got up and sped towards the demon.

While it turned to you with a bloody mouth, you could only feel getting grabbed by something as you shot up to the sky along with Genya.

Two large hands, grey, dry, and boney, resembling those of the demon grabbed the two of you and distanced you from the main body, shooting up above the village.

You dangled upside down, your ankles in the hand's grasp as you could feel the blood rushing to your head, making you feel nauseous.

"Oh damn, I feel... really bad. Genya, can you move??"

"My arms are free, my legs are in the demon's hand thing though."

"Quick, shoot the hand so I can fall! Then I can slice his head off!"

He took his shotgun as he aimed and shot the fingers that were holding you, letting you fall.

You spun mid-air, letting yourself land somewhat gracefully, staggering for a moment before regaining your fighting pose.

Dust blocked your eyes as you coughed, covering your face and searching for the demon to land the attack.

Before you could adjust, you were already practically face-to-face with the demon.

"Hehe... Too weak. Huh?!" the demon said before swinging his leg at you, this time you made sure to block it, staring him right in the ... eye sockets?

Nevermind, you blocked his attack with your sword as you smirked and he bared his teeth, growling.

"Not this time!" you said as you brought your sword back up, aiming for his neck.

"Tiger Breathing Fifth Form: Mercy of the Beast..." your move made a sort of tiger tail fall behind the blade, slicing the demon's head clean off.

(Demon Slayer x Fem!Modern Reader)Where stories live. Discover now