Chapter 31

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Shadow walked through the hallways at least two times but still no sight of the girl he started looking in some of the rooms just a quick glance inside so he wouldn't get in trouble luckily there were no people inside or should that be unluckily he had lost one of his only leads, shadow turned around giving up not even bothering looking through the rest of the rooms but thats when he heard one of the door creek open and slow silent steps started to make its way towards him shadow kept walking thinking the person might just be passing keeping his guard up just in case that wasn't what was happening

The footsteps sped up turning into a run that was enough to prove to shadow that he was about to be attacked time seemed to slow down for shadow ending him up right behind his attacker the person was a tall blonde man in his thirties he was skinny almost twig like he held a knife he looked around wondering were the hedgehog went until shadow swept him off his feet making the man hit the ground hard the knife slid away he wasn't prepared for that he tried standing up but shadow put him in a head lock keeping him down "who are you?" Shadow growled threateningly "i ain't telling you nothin" the man spat choking on his words literally shadow narrowed his eyes reaching for the mans knife putting it to his neck "how about now?"


Sonic stayed near the snack table just munching on whatever he seriously didn't get what was up with this rich people food he just put it in his mouth not even knowing what it was but it tasted good that was for sure

"Excuse me sir..?" A woman's voice said from behind sonic he turned around seeing the same woman he had been arguing about with shadow not even that long ago "yes?" Sonic replied "can you move a side a bit" she asked awkwardly and sonic moved he forgot the food was for everyone the woman got a plate and started serving herself "was that you and your husband fighting earlier?" She asked not even turning to look at sonic "who- oh yeah we were.. how did you know?" "Well half of the people in here heard you two yelling at each other so it's not much of a secret" she smiled "oh maybe i was talking too loud.." Sonic muttered to himself "why do you ask then if you already knew?" He continued "i just wanted to make sure you were alright i mean me and my ex-husband had fought all the time which led to our divorce it'd suck if the same happened with you"

"Mmh.." sonic hummed nodding his head then turning to look at the snack table feeling a little awkward since he had no clue how to respond to that and he was also not engaged with that hedgehog let alone dating him no way no how never in a million years would he date shadow.. never!

The woman looked to sonic who had obviously stayed quiet for some time seeming a little worried she put a hand on his shoulder gently "are you alright sir?" She said "yeah.. im fine" sonic snapped out of his trance "if there's something you need to get off your chest im listening" she said softly but sonic was skeptical she was already counted as a suspect number 1 in his book but she didn't seem all that bad, he sighed figuring it wouldn't be that big a deal if he only told her a little "i don't know what his deal is after all this time i thought we were finally getting along" sonic said almost sounding annoyed.. almost, but he wouldn't want to show his annoyance in front of a stranger he didn't even know the name of.

"So you two do fight a lot that must be rough.." she said walking away but in a way that told sonic to follow and he did "if you don't mind me asking whats stopped you from getting a divorce i know I wouldn't be able to handle it" she walked over to the fancy looking bar sitting on the stool letting sonic join her sitting beside her on the next stool staying quiet for a bit having to think about his answer "because he's my friend" his choice of words seemed a little off to him maybe he wanted to use a stronger word but whatever "ah i see its difficult to lose a friend in that situation I understand" a bar tender walked up to the woman serving her some whine "have you two made up yet?" She asked wrapping her hands around the glass sonic shook his head "no, he went off somewhere else"

She nodded in understanding raising the glass to her lips until all the lights went out leaving everything in pitch darkness everyone stopped their conversations muttering wondering what was going on thats when alarms started to go off fire alarms to be exact the people started to panic, sonic got down from his chair preparing for a fight just in case something went down he narrowed his eyes letting them adjust to the dark looking around until a droplet of water fell on his nose he looked up more droplets fell until it became a whole shower everyone ran out not to get too wet by the sprinklers 'was there a fire?' Sonic thought, no that couldn't be the case the guards would have evacuated everyone a long time ago.

By now all the humans were pushing and shoving to get out the woman was long gone sonics ears pin against his head the alarms still blaring, echoing throughout the mansion he did the first thing he could think of and started pushing past the fear driven humans looking for shadow he was sure he would have left the building already but just in case he hadn't he needed to be sure.

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