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I am a bird but where are my wings?”



An art with or without constraints of technique. A series of steps and movements which you do to music or tapping your feet with the energy and moving your hands randomly in your own universe. It’s an avenue where your corpus dances on the euphonic and farouche rhythms of your heart, allowing yourselves to express authentically and completely without fright of being judged. To the world, you’re dancing to a tune playing in the background, but they’ve no idea that you’re dancing to a tone that no-one knows except you.

Dance is a means of catharsis for me. It always helps me to take a deep breathe away from the thoughts that are bothering me and doesn’t let me dwell on negative thoughts but something strange was happening to me today!

I was dancing, not only my body was dancing but my mind was also dancing in another universe of thoughts. My feet were knocking on the ground with each movement, but my mind was groping for the lies that people close to me had kept hidden from me till now.

My father, who never tried to buy even a small thing that I didn’t like when I didn’t even have the sense to understand anything. When I started to understand things, he chose a groom for me without informing me. He died binding me with his will. How can I marry someone I haven’t seen yet? And most importantly, why should I marry a man to get control over my father’s properties? I don’t care about his properties but the memories and legacy he has left behind. Did my father think I was weak? Did he think that I needed a man to live my life?

My mother, who was always there for me whenever I needed her during my childhood. But one day, she got married to a man whom I hate and she started throwing me away from her for the reason which is still in limbo. She was silent whenever her second husband was implying restrictions on me. I always thought that she had some love for me somewhere in her heart, but she was also hiding the truth of my father’s will. Was she trying to protect me from her new husband by not telling me about my father’s will?

And Meera, my best and only friend was also hiding the truth from me. I understand her concern about me but at least she could’ve told me about her plans. Above all she was hiding her relationship with Suraj Singh. On the one hand, she pretended to hate him as my bodyguard for his rude behaviour towards me and on the other hand madam was in love with the same bodyguard. The same bodyguard for whom she used beautiful adjectives like— Paper-weight, Geyser, Nincompoop and so on. I never thought the man whom she used to call stone would be the same stone who was going to have the diamond like her.

But in all the chaos, one name was still roaming in my mind and my mind wasn’t capable to leave it— Aditeya Singh Sisodiya! I knew there was no escape from marrying him because the day my step-father came to know about my father’s will, I was destined to marry him. My only concern was how he would treat me as his wife. When Suraj told about him, I asked him to show me Aditeya’s pictures as I wasn’t yet introduce with the most useful device of now-a-days called mobile and credit for this extraordinary work goes to my step-father, but there was no picture of him on the internet apart from his name and basic information which were useless for me.


Suraj told me that he doesn’t have any social media accounts on Twitter or Instagram, apart from an e-mail ID, which is now managed by his grandfather.

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