【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐 】

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'Fuck' you thought as you turned around to face the system, who looks rather annoyed since you tossed it aside like it was trash.

"What do you want, I already told you I don't want to be part of your goddamn 'mission'." You grumbled as you sat on the sofa and leaned against the backrest, waiting for the inevitable torture to commence.

The system looked quite amused as its mouth curved upwards in an almost cruel grin. "Ah, I understand your frustration host, my apologies, but I'm afraid it's already too late for that. You see, we're already bounded."

"Bound?" you repeated confusedly, having absolutely no idea what this stupid robot was talking about. "How did you even-"

"Oh don't worry it's all under control!"

You rolled your eyes. "Right." You muttered to yourself as you stood up. "Look, I'm tired of this game, so if you can just go away and stop wasting my time that will be great." you grumbled as you stretched. "There must be a way to sever this bound, right? So hurry up and tell me so I can just go back to writing my story." you finished, looking at the screen with a bored expression.

"Now now, that's no way to talk to your future companion ~" Xian said in a teasing manner while leaning closer towards you. "but to answer your question, yes there's indeed a way to sever the bond between us!"

"Then please do so." you said impatiently as you crossed your arms and looked up at the ceiling. "I don't have all day here, I need to post the next update tonight." you added, the last sentence was accompanied by a sigh.

"Well, there are currently two possible ways." Xian began. "First option, you go with me to at least five worlds and make sure the stories go smoothly, then you can return home."

You rolled your eyes again, getting tired of listening to the same boring monologue again and again. "No thanks, I'm not doing any of that." you simply stated. "I'm happy where I am and I'm not leaving my home. what's the second option?"

Xian seemed hesitant to reply for a moment, as though trying to think of the best way to say it before leaning forward as if revealing a very important secret to you. "The second option is rather simple actually....you die." it finished, its voice laced with malice, it stepped back as it awaited your reaction.

You didn't know what to feel or what to say in shock.


"I know this may be-"

"You're kidding. right? there's no fucking way!" you shouted in disbelief, although the sinking feeling in your stomach showed otherwise.

"I'm afraid not my dear host, and believe me when I say it's very painful...but unfortunately that's the way of our work."

"Now, I won't force you to do anything you don't want, the choice is yours."

"Go with me or die," it said softly as it waited for your answer.

You took a deep breath and rubbed your forehead, trying to calm yourself down so you can think rationally.

A few minutes passed by and the system was still waiting patiently for your decision.

"So what will it be host?"

It took you a moment before you found your voice to speak. "Fine, I agree. Just give me the details." you finally said, defeated.

What other choice did you have?

The system smiled happily. "Excellent choice! now come along please, we have a lot to unpack!"

You sighed as you stared at your chair, wanting to grab it and smash it on that damn robot.

The system seemed to notice this, as it looked back at you apologetically and tried to cheer you up, it didn't want to act that way but you left it no choice. "No need to be so grumpy host, this is a great opportunity! I get a promotion and become a higher ranking system and you meet your favourite fictional characters and get back home safely after finishing the missions, it's a win-win!"

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