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Ch 11:Make up--"Ain't no breakin up, bitch we take breaks

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Ch 11:
Make up
"Ain't no breakin up, bitch we take breaks."

Harlem, Ny; 7:02 am

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Harlem, Ny; 7:02 am

The next day

MYONA YAWNED LAYING her head on the window of the bus since she was very tired. She went to sleep very late last night and it was early in the morning.

All she wanted to do was get back in her bed, she didn't even want to go to school but she was trying to work on her attendance. She was contemplating on just leaving early though by having her mother pick her up since she wasn't allowed to drive to school.

She had so much fun yesterday on her moms talk show, that she had forgotten about all her problems now she was back in reality and it hit her all over again.

Her and notti weren't on good terms.

Her feelings were actually hurt to know that what tamara said was what notti really felt about her. Even if he didn't stay it out his mouth to her, what would give tamara that impression.

She just wanted this to be over, she wanted to be cool again. She wanted it be able to leave flirty remarks towards the boy and there would be no problem , just laughs. Even if he didn't feed back into it, she enjoyed making him smile with her jokes and showing her attraction towards the boy.

She really did like him, but she could understand why he didn't feel the same way. Her thing was he didn't have to be so rude about it, she thought they were at least friends.

Feeling the bus slowly come to a stop she opened her eyes realizing they had arrived at nottis stops making her sigh. Watching the three get on the bus, ddot didn't even saying anything when she didn't get up to let him sit by the window.

"You good gang," ddot asked lowly while notti took his seat in the seat across from the pair and dd took his behind notti.

"Fashooo," she told him with her eyes closed. "I'm jus tired as hell, I wish I could drive so I could wake up a lil bit later. Y'all wasn't lying when y'all said every minute counts." She mumbled with her head against the window making ddot laugh.

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