Sad Sac (Moody Hours)

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just me, being a sad sac, feel free to scroll past.

i've like the girl i'm interested in on and off for years, grade 2/3 to 9, than my last year of highschool, till now, and i don't think she's ever seen me anything more than a friend. it's tiring y'know, she tells me i'm "not like other guys" but refuses to see me as anymore than a friend, but what can i do? i'm trapped within my feelings.

if she did turn around and she said she felt the same, than what? i don't even know what to do as someones partner.

it's troubling that i can never be just friends with a girl, it just doesn't seem to work that way with me. men, sure i can be mates with them, but my attachment is never as intence.

at this point what can i do but power through and not give up hope, just contain myself. but it's hard to contain myself, whenever i start to get involved with someone i'm interested they're all i can think about at night and even throughout the day they plague my mind.

worst part is, they never truly leave my head. i mean they fade slowly into obscurity, but they always seem to worm there way back into my head.


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