Introdution to my Characters! (And a Warning)

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Warning: This is a work in progress and prototype, nothing is final.

Neo Graymark

Sexuality: Bisexual

- Dropped out of Collage when signing up for this job

Human apperence: A rather tall dude with short, messy blond hair, eyes a light, diamond blue.  Mainly wears a T-shirt and torn jeans with a Work belt, over all that a lab coat.

Gootrax Apperence: Still rather tall light purple gootrax with wolf like ears and tail, tail tip and inside ears are a bioluminecent teal, other bioluminecent spots are on his legs, wrists, chest area, face and pawpads.



Sexuality: Straight

- The Lead scientist at the labratory

Apperence: A short, grumpy man with long, natrually gray hair.



Sexuality: Asexual, Gay

- Wild Hazzy Gootraxian

Apperence: A short, fox like gootrax with a white belly and red fur, the fur at the end of their limbs are a bit darker that the rest of the red.



Sexuality: AroAce (Both Aromantic and Acesexual)

- Wild LemonShork

Apperence: A yellow shark like gootrax with two sets of purple eyes.



Sexuality: Pansexual

- Kaiju Subject

Apperence: A dark blue lizard with neon blue crystals on its back and tail.



Sexuality: Aromantic

- Catte Subjects

Apperence: A orange-yellow-ish cat like gootrax with a yellow bucket.


Other people mentioned later on will not be in here, this is just the absolute main characters. Now lets start this book!

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