Chapter 6 - Unpleasent

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Fun fact: School sucks. Anyway, on that note, should i introduce a new person/Gootraxin soon? Melion should be introduced soon, i'll have to see what i come up with, welp, stop reading his and read the actual chapter.


Neo's POV


Neo sat on the stone floor, a bowl of instant ramen sat infront of him, Jace had come in earlier and given him it. Though he wasn't hungry he had eaten about half of it anyway, as not to seem rude or anything. Neo placed his head on his paws, shutting his eyelids and drowning off into a deep sleep.

He was amoken by someone shaking his fur, he opened his eyes to see Jace leaning over him with a worried expesion. " The test starts soon, eat the ramen. I hope you're ready. " Jace didn't sound happy, nor cheerful, Neo was confused but shrugged it off, nothing out of the ordinary. " Come on Neo, eat the ramen, you need to stay strong if you're gonna get out of here. " Jace didn't sound like he was just making small talk this time, more like a military commander giving orders to soldiers. " Alright mate, if you say so. " Neo reposed to him, picking up the bowl of cold instant ramen and shoveling it down his throat. Jace stood there, his posture tense. " Now, remeber the plan okay? " Jace said, his face was dead serious. " We can't screw up, if we do, we're both dead meat. " Jace explained. Neo nodded. " Come on now. " Jace opened the door, leading Neo out.

They arived at a smaller sector point, Neo remebered looking through the glass while he watched Guards place objects inside the cells and the gootraxians would react to them in diferent ways. This time, he was the prawn on the chess board. " Look who we have here~ Neo, my dear, you look like you were run over by a bus, i bet this will help. " Dr.Blackthorns voice was proud like always. Neo could almost imagine his sumg look behind the stained glass. " Bring them in. " The doctor said. Two Guards entered the room with someone behind them, the person was rather small, with fox-like ears and tail. The two Guards threw the limp body in, shutting the door behind them. " ... " Neo looked at them, suddenly he recognised the fur pattern. " Glorious! " He yelled, droping down beside the Hazzy, he shoke them violently, trying to wake them, but he was unsuccesful. " Glorious! " He yelled, louder with a hint of sadness. 


Jace's Pov


Jace stared at Neo, the Sinox gootraxian was on the floor next to the Hazzy, yelling their name over and over again, trying in a desparate attempt to wake them, but to no avail. He felt bad, he knew this was gonna happen, yet he hadn't warned him. Dr.Blackthorn looked like he was gonna explode with pride, his plan had worked and now, Neo wouldn't be able to finish their plan, or maybe he could. Jace saw Neo rise from the cold, concrete floor. " You son of a bitch, you'll pay Dr.Blackthorn, you will pay. " At that, Neo lunged at the glass, Jace knew what was gonna happen now, so he darted out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Dr.Blackthorn's scream could be heard from inside when the glass broke, showering him in tiny, sharp shards that would shread his lab coat. The head scientists screams died out, while on Jace's side he had tackled the first Guard to the ground, using his knowlege of the big, blucky suits to grab the pocket knife and stuck it in a small spring inbetween the armor. The other Guard just stood there, speechless. Slowly, it took the mask of itself, revieling a dark hued skintone behind it with dark, messy hair in a ponytail. " How... How did you know where the pocket knife was? " The dark haired Guard asked, looking at Jace with fright. " Former Guard here. " Jace answered, " Would you help me carry the Hazzy? Neo should be done with Dr.Blackthorn soon enough. " At that, Neo had opened the door of the viewing room, licking blood off his paws. " Are we done here? " The Sinox said, eyeing the dark haired Guard, " Heya Florence, sorry for the spook. " Neo smiled, " Good to see you around. " The dark haired man named Florence nodded before opening the sector door and grabbing the Hazzy called Glorious. " Let's get going, before someone comes and checks why it took so long. " Jace said, starting to jog down the corridor. Neo butted ahead of him, leading the way. " I'll lead you to our den, and promise to tell no one. " Neo said, going at a quicker pace now, wanting to hurry back to his den.


Neo's POV


He led the way along the corridors, hoping to get to the crystal cave as quickly as possible, he didn't want to waste any time. Soon they arrived at a place that started becoming the blueish stone in the crystal caves. " Come on, quicken up! " Neo was a bit impatient with getting to his den, he needed to help Glorious, and that was the only thing on his mind. " Neo! I can't keep pace while i'm carrying a gootraxian." Florence panted, his forehead shone with sweat. " Give him to me. " Jace stepped up, grabbing the Hazzy out of Florence's arms, " Let's continue. " Neo nodded, starting to quicken his pace again. They soon arrived in the cave, Florence let out a puff of shock, obviously he hadn't seen the caves before, so he was new to the environment. Neo loked behind him at the Guard, " Florence, don't touch the crystals, they can transfer you " He said, turning his head back fowards. He gazed around a bit before he spotted the den opening where he and Glorious lived, " Follow me. " Neo said, joging towards the slit in the stone. He took Glorious in first and laid him down on his bed. Soon followed by Jace and last Florence, who could barely fit in due to his bulky armor. He glanced at Glorious's bed, a small gooey lump was sleeping in it, he was confused, though he shrugged it off. " Me and Glorious live here. " He said, gesturing with a paw at the beds. Jace looked at the lump of goo in Glourous's bed. " Hold up...That's the diamond slime pup that escaped while it was Blackout, how did he find it? " The scientist asked, looking at Neo with confusion. " I don't remember seeing it last i was here, which was 2 days ago. " Neo answered, looking at the ever so slightly shining pup.

They had sat on the den floor, talking for what seemed like hours on end, Glorious had twisted around a few times so Neo had ended up placing the Hazzy's head on his lap, after that, Glorious had seemed to calm down. Neo struck his head while Him, Jace and Florence spoke.


Glorious's POV


He hurled down the hallway, trying to lose whatever the 'Thing' that was chasing him. Suddenly, he tripped and fell on his stomach, the 'Thing' was straight above him now, it had grabbed the scruff of his collar, pulling him up and dangling him in the air. Glorious yelp, tugging at the paw holding him. The 'Thing' laughed, now speaking in a low, rough voice;        " No matter what you do, the gootraxian will die, there's no escape " The 'Thing' let him go, making him tumble onto the ground, gasping for air. " One day. You have one day to change your decision Glorious. " The 'Thing' left, leaving him on the floor, alone.

He sat up straight up, huffing and panting like he had just ran from Café to Grass cave. Neo looked at him, concerned about Glorious. Two other pair eyes were looking at him, confused. He shook his head, holding it while putting a paw of his knee. " Hey, you alright? " The voice of Neo confronted him, his eyes were full of concern. His head was racing with what he had to do, the 'deal' he had made when young now came back to haunt him. The voice above him snapped him back into reality, " Glorious? Hey you there? " Neo asked, his face painted with concern. " Yeah i'm okay, don't worry! " He smiled at Neo, trying to be convicing. " Whatever you say man. " Neo patted him on the back, a slight smile on his face.

(Hopefully Glorious is alright.) Total word count: 1464

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